Autor: Rihtar, Andrej
Přispěvatelé: Koželj, Anton
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Teoretična izhodišča: Pri osebi, ki doživi srčni zastoj, je ključnega pomena čim zgodnejši pričetek izvajanja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja z uporabo AED s strani mimoidočih. Ključnega pomena za uspešno reanimacijo je, da mimoidoči prepoznajo stanje, ki zahteva uporabo AED, da vedo, kje se defibrilator nahaja in da le tega znajo pravilno uporabiti. Raziskovalna metodologija: Podatke smo pridobili z anketnim vprašalnikom, ki zajema 15 vprašanj. V raziskavi smo želeli dobiti vpogled v teoretično znanje prebivalcev občine Sveti Tomaž o prepoznavi srčnega zastoja, izvajanju TPO, uporabi AED ter poznavanju nahajališč AED-jev. V raziskavo smo vključili 150 občanov, starih nad 18 let. Rezultati: Z rezultati ankete sklepamo na pomanjkljivo teoretično in praktično znanje občanov iz TPO in uporabe AED. Pravilno razmerje stisov prsnega koša (30:2) je poznalo 69 % anketiranih, ustrezno frekvenco stisov (100-120 stisov/min) 43 % anketiranih, pravilno globino stisov (5-6 cm) 45 % anketiranih, pravilen pristop k žrtvi pa le 10 % anketiranih. Lokacijo AED v Prostovoljnem gasilskem društvu Trnovci je poznalo 31 % anketiranih, lokacijo v središču Svetega Tomaža večina anketiranih, 53 % anketiranih pa je označilo tudi nepravilne odgovore lokacij. 48 % anketiranih je odgovorilo, da si AED v realni situaciji ne bi upali samostojno uporabiti, 90 % anketiranih pa si želi dodatnih izobraževanj iz področja TPO in uporabe AED. Sklep: Rezultati ankete so pokazali dobro ozaveščenost o namembnosti AED. Ugotovili pa smo pomanjkljivosti v teoretičnem znanju občanov, pomanjkanje znanja se namreč kaže pri ključnih dejavnikih za uspešno reanimacijo (pristop k žrtvi, razmerje, frekvenca, globina stisov pri stisih prsnega koša in zmedo pri poznavanju lokacij AED-jev). Obnovitvenih tečajev je premalo (5 v 10 letih), udeležba občanov na tečajih je slaba (okoli 20 udeležencev na tečaj). Iz rezultatov je možno sklepati na potrebo po dodatnem in pogostejšem teoretičnem in praktičnem izobraževanju občanov tako s področja temeljnih postopkov oživljanja, uporabe AED, kot tudi ozaveščanju o pomembnosti obnovitvenih tečajev in o nahajališčih AED. Theoretic basis: For the person with cardiac arrest is essential to start a pursuance of basic life support with the use of AED by passers-by as soon as possible.To find out a state that demands the use of AED and to know where a defibrillator is located as well as to be used it properly by passers-by is very important for the successful reanimation. Research methodology: The data were collected through a questionnaire with 15 questions that was carried out among the residents of St. Thomas munucipality. In this research we wanted to get an insight into theoretic knowledge how to recognize a cardiac arrest. We were also focused on TPO pursuance, the use of AED and AED location. There were 150 residents, over 18 years, included in the research. Results: The results of the survey conclude the lack of theoretical and practical knowledge for TPO and the use of AED among the residents. Only 69 % of interviewees knew the correct proportion of thorax compression (30-2) while 43 % of them marked the appropriate frequency of compression ( 100-120 com/min). 45 % was aware of the appropriate depth of compression and only 10 % would know how to approach to the patient correctly. 31 % of interviewees knew the AED location in Fire Department Trnovci while the location in St.Thomas knew most of them. 53 % also labeled the incorrect answers about the locations. 48 % is afraid of using it correctly and they would not dare use it on their own in a real situation. Still 90 % of interviewees would like to have some extra courses in the field of TPO and the use of AED. Conclusion: This survey results also show a good awareness of AED purpose. Besides we found out some deficiency in theoretical knowledge of residents. It appears at key factors of a successful reanimation ( an approach to the patient, a proportion, a frequency and deepness of thorax compression and a confusion in identifying the AED locations). There are not enough renovation courses for laymen (5 in 10 years) and the participation of residents at courses is weak (20 participants per course). The results show a great need for further theoretical and practical training of residents more frequently. It must include the field of basic life support, the use of AED as well as to make people aware how important the renovation courses and AED locations are.
Databáze: OpenAIRE