Autor: Puntar, Aljoša
Přispěvatelé: Pucihar, Andreja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Diplomska naloga predstavlja prenovo informacijskega sistema v transportnem podjetju. Za prenovo so se odločili iz dveh razlogov, stari sistem ni bil dovolj zanesljiv, poleg tega pa je bil premalo funkcionalen, da bi v prihodnje ob stalnem povečevanju obsega poslovanja še omogočal ustrezen nadzor nad poslovanjem podjetja. V transportni dejavnosti je danes zelo pomembna odzivnost, čas od prevzema naročila pa do izvedbe je namreč pri strankah ključnega pomena. V podjetju so v procesu prenove dejansko zamenjali obstoječi sistem z novo celovito programsko rešitvijo. V okviru diplomske naloge smo predstavili uvedeno rešitev, analizo učinkov prenove in predlagali izboljšave, s pomočjo katerih se bo rešitev dokončno optimizirala. Tako bo imelo podjetje po zaključeni optimizaciji dejansko informacijski sistem, ki bo zadostoval vsem njihovim potrebam in bodo kljub nadaljnji rasti obsega naročil lahko zanesljivo obvladovali poslovne procese. This B. A. dissertation describes the renewal of information technology in a transport company. There were two main reasons for the decision to carry out the renewal first, the old system was not reliable and second, it was not functional enough to enable satisfactory future control of the increasing growth of business activities in the company. In the transport business the responsiveness, which is the reaction time from receiving the order to carrying it out, is namely of utmost importance with customers of today. In the process of refurbishment, the company replaced its outdated software system with a comprehensive new software solution. The dissertation makes a presentation of the introduced solution, analyses the effects of renovation and also proposes some improvements to reach the final stage of optimization. When the company completes this process, their information system will meet all their needs and they will be able to reliably manage their business processes, despite the further increase in the volume of orders.
Databáze: OpenAIRE