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Diplomsko delo predstavlja primer prenove družinske hiše v skladu z načeli trajnostnega razvoja. Le-ta vključuje tudi spoštovanje kvalitete obstoječe slovenske stavbne dediščine na podeželju. Osrednja pozornost projektnega pristopa prenove družinske hiše v Stojncih je namenjena boljši izkoriščenosti zemljišča in hkrati preoblikovanju kompleksa velike enostanovanjske hiše in poslovne stavbe s slabo izkoriščenimi prostori v tri zaključene stanovanjske in eno poslovno enoto. Uvodoma je vključeno poglavje o razvoju in značilnostih stavb na slovenskem podeželju v Podravski regiji. The undergraduate thesis presents the example of the renewal of the single family house in accordance with principles of sustainable development, which also include the respect to the quality of the Slovenian architectural heritage. The central focus of the project is the renewal of the single family house in Stojnci, as well as the question on how to better exploit the land for the modification project of the complex consisted of the large single-family house and the office building with poorly exploited areas into new complex of three residential units and one office unit. In the introduction the development and the characteristics of building typology in Slovenian countryside of Podravje region are discussed. |