Bodily injuries of physically abused children

Autor: Pavli, Lara
Přispěvatelé: Frangež, Danijela
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Ljubljana
Popis: V diplomskem delu je obravnavano fizično nasilje nad otroci, s poudarkom na telesnih poškodbah. Fizično nasilje nad otroci je ena izmed oblik zlorabe, ki pri otroku pušča raznovrstne duševne, razvoje in telesne posledice. Na začetku je predstavljeno fizično nasilje nad otroci, pri čemer so predstavljene še zakonske opredelitve fizične zlorabe. Poudarek diplomskega dela je na telesnih poškodbah ter klinični forenzični obravnavi poškodovanega otroka. Ugotovljeno je bilo, da so najpogostejše posledice fizičnega nasilja pri otrocih podplutbe, ki so lahko vidne na vseh delih telesa. Posebno pozornost je treba nameniti podplutbam na območju okončin, še posebej na predelih zgornjega dela rok, na stegnih in gležnjih. Te poškodbe po navadi nastanejo, ko storilec drži otroka za noge in ga nasilno premika. Poleg podplutb lahko utrpi še poškodbe glave, skeleta ali notranjih organov. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela je izpostavljena klinična forenzična medicina, kjer je podrobneje predstavljen pregled fizično zlorabljenega otroka. Z natančnim kliničnim forenzičnim pregledom, se poskuša ugotoviti, ali so poškodbe nastale kot posledica nesreče, ali pa kot posledica nasilja. Pomembno je, da se poškodbe skrbno dokumentira in zavaruje sledi, ki bi utegnile biti pomembne za sodni postopek. Na koncu je predstavljena tudi klinična forenzična ambulanta v Sloveniji, ki spada pod Inštitut za sodno medicino. In this thesis we discuss the physical violence against children, with an emphasis on physical injuries. Physical violence against children is one of the forms of child abuse that leaves a variety of mental, developmental and physical consequences to the child. At the beginning of thesis we introduce phenomenom of child abuse with legal definitions of physical abuse. The emphasis of the thesis is on bodily injuries and clinical forensic examination of an injured child. It has been found that the most common consequences of physical violence against child are bruises, which can be visible on all parts of the body. Special attention should be paid to bruises in the area of the limbs, especially in the upper limb areas, on the thighs and ankles. These injuries are usually induced by holding the child by his legs and by forcefully moving his body. In addition, children may suffer head injuries, skeletal injuries and abdominal injuries. In the sequel we mention the clinical forensic medicine, where the examination of physically abused child is presented in more detail. The ame of precised clinical forensic examination is seeking the determination whether the injuries were inflicted accidentaly or nonaccidentaly. It is crucial that the injuries are carefully documented and that potential evidences are being protected and saved, considering they may be relevant to the litigation. At the end of thessis we present Slovenian clinical forensic ambulance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE