The treatment of patients with gastroesophageal reflux disease

Autor: Lebar, Katja
Přispěvatelé: Skalicky, Marjan
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Teoretična izhodišča: Gastroezofagealna refluksna bolezen (GERB) je stanje, pri katerem se želodčna vsebina vrača iz želodca nazaj v požiralnik. Najpogostejša simptoma GERB sta zgaga in regurgitacija. Namen diplomskega dela je ugotoviti kako pogosto in kdaj se pojavlja zgaga pri pacientih z GERB. Raziskovalna metodologija: V raziskavi je sodelovalo 30 anketirancev, ki imajo GERB. Pri raziskavi smo uporabili anketni vprašalnik, ki je vseboval 25 vprašanj. Rezultate smo računalniško obdelali in jih grafično prikazali s pomočjo programov Microsoft Excel in Microsoft Word. Rezultati: V raziskavi smo ugotovili, da ima 40 % anketiranih težave z zgago enkrat na teden, 13 % anketiranih pa kar vsak dan. Na podlagi analiziranih podatkov smo tudi ugotovili, da se pri 2/3 anketiranih zgaga pojavlja po obrokih. 63 % anketiranih je navedlo, da ima zaradi GERB-a težave s spanjem ponoči, prav tako jih 63 % meni, da so zaradi GERB-a bolj utrujeni čez dan. 87 % anketiranih pozna ukrepe spremembe načina življenja, vendar je kar 67 % anketiranih navedlo, da ni spremenilo način življenja pri pojavu GERB. Razprava in sklep: GERB se pogosteje pojavlja pri ženskah kot pri moških. Ob pogostem pojavljanju zgage in regurgitacije je potrebna sprememba načina življenja. Theoretical backgroundt: Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a condition, when the contents of stomach return from the stomach back into the esophagus. Two most common symptoms for GERD are heartburn and regurgitation. The purpose of the diploma work is to find out how often and when does the heartburn occur with patients who suffer from GERD. Research methodology: The research involved 30 patients with GERD disease. We used a questionnaire which contained 25 questions. The results were processed with computer and then graphically presented with the help of computer programs Microsoft Excel and Microsoft Word. Results: In the research we found out that 40 % of the participants have problems with the heartburn once per week, 13 % of the participants have problems with the heartburn every day. According to the analyzed data we also found out that 2/3 of the participants have problems with the heartburn after the meal. 63 % of the participants listed that they have troubles sleeping at night because of the GERD, also 63 % of the participants think that GERD makes them more tired during the day. 87 % of the participants know how to deal with this disease in order to change for better, but 67 % of them have not changed the lifestyle after diagnosed with the GERD. Discussion and conclusion: GERD occurs more often with female patients than male patients. If heartburn and regurgitation often occur, the change of a lifestyle is necessary.
Databáze: OpenAIRE