Autor: Podlesek, Nastja
Přispěvatelé: Vrenčur, Renato
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Služnost je ena izmed stvarnih pravic na tuji stvari. Je omejena, saj vsebinsko omejuje lastninsko pravico služnostnega zavezanca. Gre torej za izvedeno stvarno pravico na tuji stvari, pri čemer ima en subjekt pravico v razmerju do stvari, ki je last nekega drugega pravnega subjekta. Izvrševanje služnosti obremenjuje lastninsko pravico, saj služnostni upravičenec v določenem obsegu razpolaga s služečo stvarjo, služnostni zavezanec pa mora neka dejanja, ki bi mu kot lastniku pripadala, opustiti ali trpeti. V grobem ločimo stvarne in osebne služnosti, poznamo pa še neprave stvarne služnosti. Nastanek na podlagi zakona, to je s priposestvovanjem, poznamo samo pri stvarnih služnostih ter v bistvu tudi pri nepravih stvarnih služnostih, saj ni nobenega posebnega razloga, da to ne bi bilo mogoče. Poznamo pravo in nepravo priposestvovanje. Pravo priposestvovanje pomeni, da dobroverni priposestvovalec v dobri veri izvršuje služnost 10 let. Razlika z nepravim priposestvovanjem je v tem, da mora v tem primeru priposestvovalec samo izvrševati služnost 20 let, ne zahteva se dobra vera, lastnik služeče nepremičnine pa mora vedeti za izvrševanje služnosti in temu ne nasprotovati. Pravo priposestvovanje začne teči, ko nastopi dobra vera na primerni pravni podlagi, nepravo priposestvovanje pa začne teči, ko priposestvovalec dejansko začne izvrševati služnost. Po zakonu ni mogoče priposestvovati služnosti, ki se izvršujejo s silo, zvijačo ali do preklica, negativnih služnosti, služnosti na javnem dobrem in na stvari izven pravnega prometa. An easement is one of the real rights on foreign things. It is limited because its content restricts property right of person under an easement obligation. Meaning an expert real right on foreign thing, where one subject has a right in relation to the thing which is owned by another legal subject. Execution of the easement burdens the property right, because the easement beneficiary is disposing with servient thing in a certain extant, that is why the person under an easement obligation has to suspend or suffer some actions which would belonged to him as the owner. Roughly we distinguish real and personal easement, but we also know improper easements. The formation grounding the law, that is by taking possession, we only know by real easements and in fact even by improper easements, since there is no particular reason that this would not be possible. There are true and false prescription. Real prescription means that the bona fide acquirer executes the easement in good faith for 10 years. The difference with the improper prescription is that in this case aquirer only has to execute easement for 20 years, good faith is not required, but the owner of the servient estate must know about the execution of easement and raise no objections. True prescription begins to run when good faith occurs on appropriate legal basis, but improper prescription begins to run when aquirer actually begins to execute the easement. According to the law it is not possible to prescript easements, which are executed by force, deception or until withdrawal, negative easement, easement that benefits the public and on things outside legal transactions.
Databáze: OpenAIRE