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V prvem, teoretičnem delu naloge so predstavljeni namen in delovanje virtualnega okolja ter vtičnik Murano. Vsebinsko je razložena zgodovina OpenStacka in Mirantisa, njuna arhitekturna struktura in Mirantisove novosti. V drugem, eksperimentalnem delu naloge so na podlagi preučene tuje literature predstavljeni postopki, kako se namesti oblačna platforma OpenStack, imenovana Mirantis, z vtičnikom Murano. V eksperimentalnem delu sta povzeta tudi postavitev komunikacije med virtualnim strežnikom in okoljem ter delovanje vtičnika. Okolje OpenStack in vtičnik Murano omogočata enostavnejšo namestitev aplikacij od drugih okolij. Zaradi Murana se aplikacija namesti brez težav, uporabniku pa sta posledično omogočena enostaven dostop in pričetek uporabe aplikacije. In the first, the theoretical part of the thesis, the purpose and operation of the virtual environment and the plug-in Murano is being presented. Moreover, in the content, the history of OpenStack and Mirantis and their architectural structure and Mirantis innovations are being explained. In the second, the experimental part of the study, on the basis of the study of foreign language literature, the procedures, how to install the cloud platform OpenStack, called Mirantis, with the plug-in Murano, are being presented. In the experimental part, the communication between the virtual server and the environment as well as the operation of the plug-in is being summarized. OpenStack environment and plug-in Murano enable simpler installation of applications from other environments. Because of Murano, application installs easily and consequently the user has easy access and can start using that application effortlessly. |