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Tema diplomskega dela je uvedba modula Kontrola kakovosti v sklopu projekta Uvedba celovite programske rešitve Perftech.Largo v podjetju Livar, d. d. Vhodna kontrola kakovosti ni bila podprta z obstoječim informacijskim sistemom Livex. V diplomskem delu predstavljamo osnove celovitih programskih rešitev, dejavnike za izbor in načine uvajanja. Prikazano je posneto izhodiščno stanje v nabavi in vhodni kontroli, kot delu nabave. Z načrtom uvedbe predlagamo novi način dela, opredeljene so tudi dodelave programa. Podrobneje je prikazan postopek izvedbe dodelave za izpis obrazca za pogojni prevzem. Uvedba modula Kontrola kakovosti je izvedena skladno z načrtom uvedbe po interni metodologiji podjetja Perftech. V zaključku diplomskega dela so podani predlogi za možne spremembe, dopolnitve in nadgradnjo sistema. The theme of the thesis is The Implementation of Quality Control Module within the ERP Perftech.Largo Project at Livar d.d. Ivančna Gorica Company. The existing information system Livex did not support the input control of quality. The thesis covers the basics of comprehensive software solutions, selection criteria and implementation processes. The thesis presents a recorded baseline situation in a purchase and in the input control, as a part of the purchasing process. In the implementation blueprint, we have modified the business process and defined necessary software modifications. The thesis presents a detailed implementation process of improvement for the printout of forms needed for a conditional takeover. The implementation of Quality management Module has been completed in accordance with the implementation blueprint and the internal methodology of Perftech Company. In the conclusion, the thesis puts forward suggestions for possible changes, additions and system upgrades. |