Autor: Kovačič, Barbara
Přispěvatelé: Potočan, Vojko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Komunikacija v podjetju mora potekati tekoče. Pravilnega komuniciranja in podajanja informacij se je potrebno naučiti in šele čez izkušnje in razna izobraževanja lahko postaneš dober komunikator. Kot vodja moraš imeti obširno znanje glede samega komuniciranja in ravnanja z zaposlenimi. To pomeni, da veš pravilno podati informacijo in da se zavedaš, da je vsak v podjetju pomemben, ne glede na njegov položaj v podjetju. Če se vsi zaposleni počutijo pripadene podjetju potem bodo cilji podjetja hitreje uresničeni. Za vsem tem pa seveda stoji komunikacija. V diplomski nalogi smo tako preučevali komunikacijo. Tako smo ugotovili kakšne oblike komuniciranja vse poznamo, na kakšen način je potrebno komunicirati z zaposlenimi. Spoznali smo, da je prava komunikacija zelo pomembna za podjetje in da bi bilo potrebno, da se vodje bolj izobražujejo v komuniciranju in ravnanju z zaposlenimi, saj jim bo potem delo lažje in obe strani bosta zadovoljni. Cilji diplomske nalogo so bili, da na osnovi teoretičnih spoznanj in intervjuja spoznamo komunikacijo v podjetju SK Company in tako dobimo ključe za pravilno komunikacijo. Da bi nam delo diplomske naloge uspelo, smo tako uporabili različne metodologije, ki so nam prišle prav, pri spoznavanju komunikacije. Nato smo si zastavili dve raziskovalni vprašanji in smo na podlagi teorije potrdili trditve, ki smo si jih zastavili na začetku. Te ugotovitve so, da komunikacija kot sama zelo vpliva na poslovanje podjetja, kot tudi interno komuniciranje, ki se dogaja v podjetju med zaposlenimi. Za praktičen del smo naredili intervju z g. Silvestrom, ki je podjetje SK Company ustanovil in se kot sam srečeval z dobrimi in tudi slabimi izkušnjami na poti do uspeha. G. Silvester ima veliko znanja iz vodenja, ter komunikacije. Preko intervjuja smo potrdili predpostavke, saj pri njih komunikacija teče tekoče in nemoteno, ugotovili pa smo tudi kakšni bi morali biti uspešni vodje in na kašen način bi se morali lotiti komuniciranja z zaposlenimi. Communication within the company should be carried out smoothly. Proper communication and information transferring needs to be learned and by gaining various experience and education you can become a good communicator. As a leader you have to have extensive knowledge about the communication itself and the treatment of employees. This means that you know how to transfer information correctly and that you realize that each of the company’s employees should be valued, regardless of his position in the company. If all employees feel like they belong to the company, the company's objectives will be achieved more quickly. Communication is the key to achieving this. In this thesis, we thus studied communication. We learned what forms of communication we know, how it is necessary to communicate with employees. We have learned that the right communication is very important for the company and that it would be necessary to better educate leaders in communication and management of employees, because they will then work easier and both sides will be satisfied. The objectives of the thesis were that on the basis of theoretical knowledge and interview we analyze communication within the SK Company and give the keys to proper communication. For the work of the thesis to succeed, we also used a variety of methodologies that helped us in understanding communication. Then we set two research questions and based on the theories we confirmed the arguments that we set at the beginning. These findings were that communication as it-self has a major impact on business operations. Internal communication, which takes place in the company among employees, is also very important. For the practical part, we had an interview with Mr. Silvester who established the company SK Company and him-self met with good and bad experiences on the path to success. Mr. Silvester has a lot of knowledge in management and communications. Through the interview we confirmed the assumptions that their communication runs smoothly, we also learned what a successful leader should be like and in what way he should address communication with employees.
Databáze: OpenAIRE