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V diplomskem delu smo preučili socialne kompetence, predvsem empatijo in toleranco. Predmet obravnave v ospredje postavlja terapije s pomočjo psa, katere spadajo med aktualne terapije s pomočjo živali. Psu smo pri tem zaradi njegove narave pripisali poseben pomen. Z raziskavo smo skušali dokazati zastavljeni hipotezi, vendar so rezultati pokazali drugače, kot smo domnevali. Kljub rezultatom raziskave smo na podlagi teoretičnih izhodišč in vsakodnevne prakse sklenili, da ima pes veliko vlogo pri razvoju in krepitvi socialnih kompetenc, saj mladostniku, ki odrašča, nudi podporo, naklonjenost, cenjenost, igra vlogo zaupnika in ga navda z občutkom sreče, saj je pasja razigranost in njegova družba nalezljiva in neprecenljiva. This thesis deals with social skills, mainly empathy and tolerance, focusing on dog-assisted therapy, a common form of animal-assisted therapy. Due to their nature, dogs were hypothesised to play a particularly important role in dog-assisted therapy. We attempted to confirm our hypotheses with our research however, the results differed from our expectations. Despite the results of our research, we nevertheless concluded on the basis of theory and everyday practice that dogs contribute significantly to the development and enhancement of social skills, as they provide support, affection and appreciation to developing adolescents, acting as a companion and bringing them joy, as nothing can compare to the contagious excitement of a dog when interacting with its owner. |