Autor: Ivanyk, Olena
Přispěvatelé: Plemenitaš, Katja
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: We may observe reflections of a particular culture from different prospectives. One of such perspective is the culture of consumption. The easiest way to understand it is to take a deeper look into forms and methods of advertising within it. The main purpose of this graduation thesis is to uncover and analyze differences that appear as a result of translating text advertisements from English to Slovene. Special emphasis is put on additional meaning that appears in target language as a result of translation and the meaning that was lost due to translation. Theoretical foundation of this work consists of one of the works written by A. L. Becker - Beyond Translation: Essays towards a Modern Philology (1995) – in which he introduces to us notions of meaning exuberances and deficiencies that appear in target language text as a result of the process of translation. Another work that contributed to the theoretical basis is the Textbook of Translation, written by P. Newmark (1988), which describer translation techniques and principles upon which the analytical part of the final thesis was made. The empirical part investigates the translation of English advertisements into Slovene, taking into account the translational shifts which are due to differences in language in culture. The comparative analysis between English and Slovene written advertisement texts also includes the translation of certain language devices on the level of sentence as well as on the level of text. As a theoretical foundation about advertising, works written by Myers - World of Ads (1994) - and G. Cook - Discourse of Advertising (1992) were of great value. Both authors approach advertisement texts as a reflection of a particular society's characteristics. They also consider language as such to be the main tool in achieving the effect of persuasion on potential consumers. Kulturne odraze določene države ali družbe spoznavamo po številnih različnih poteh. Ena takšnih poti je kultura potrošništva, ki jo najjasneje prepoznamo s pomočjo globljega vpogleda v oblike in načine oglaševanja znotraj le-te. Cilj diplomske naloge je analizirati razlike, ki se pojavijo med prevajanjem angleških pisnih reklamnih besedil v slovenski jezik, z ozirom na dodaten pomen, ki ga prevedena besedila pridobijo, in prav tako na tisti pomen, ki se s prevajanjem izgubi. Kot osnova teoretičnih izhodišč, je bilo uporabljeno delo Beckerja z naslovom Beyond Translation: Essays towards a Modern Philology (1995), v katerem nas seznanja s pojmi pomenskega primanjkljaja in pomenskega prirastka, ki nastane v ciljnem besedilu kot posledica prevajanja. Prav tako je bilo uporabljeno delo z naslovom Textbook of Translation (1988) avtorja Newmarka, na podlagi katerega je bila izvedena analiza prevajalskih tehnik in principov znotraj obravnavanih bedesedil. Empirični del je posvečen prevajanju angleških reklamnih besedil v slovenščino, pri čemer se osredotoča na prevajalske premike, ki nastanejo zaradi razlik v jeziku in kulturi. Primerjalna analiza reklamnih besedil v angleškem in slovenskem jeziku je prav tako osredotočena na prevajanje določenih jezikovnih sredstev tako na stavčni kot tudi na besedilni ravni. Kot teoretična podlaga o reklamiranju sta pri tem pomagali deli avtorjev Myersa World of Ads (1994), in Cooka Discourse of Advertising (1992). Oba avtorja obravnavata reklamna besedila kot poseben odraz značilnosti doložene družbe ter gledata na jezik kot glavno sredstvo pri doseganju namena prepričevanja.
Databáze: OpenAIRE