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V magistrski nalogi je obravnavana problematika napačnih in lažnih priznanj, pri čemer se ni mogoče izogniti zasliševalskim tehnikam, saj so te ključne za pridobitev nespornih in čim bolj točnih izjav. V nalogi je zajet razvoj in klasifikacija zasliševalskih tehnik, pri čemer je bilo ugotovljeno, da ne obstaja ena tehnika, ki bi veljala za najustreznejšo in sprejemljivo v vseh pogledih. Hkrati so opredeljeni pogoji, ob katerih bi bila zasliševalska tehnika domnevno najustreznejša, in sicer zagotovitev optimalnega časa zaslišanja, zagotovitev snemanja med zaslišanjem, s čimer bi dobili vpogled v interakcijo med preiskovalcem in zaslišanim, objektivnost vprašanj, pri čemer preiskovalec ne sme izhajati iz predpostavke, da je osumljeni resnično kriv, ter usmerjenost na vsebino izjave in čim manj na neverbalno komunikacijo. Kot učinkovita tehnika se je izkazal tudi opis dogodka v nasprotnem vrstnem redu, kar zahteva od zaslišanega večji miselni napor, še posebej, če nekdo laže. Pri analizi primera Martina Uhernika, ki je hkrati empirični del raziskave, je potrebno izpostaviti procesne napake, ki so bile v predmetnem primeru ključne, da se je sodba kljub dolgotrajnem procesu na koncu zaključila z oprostitvijo obtoženca. Pri natančni analizi sodnih spisov je bilo ugotovljeno, da so bili med sojenjem uporabljeni številni nezakoniti dokazi, kot na primer neustrezno pridobivanje izjav, brez navzočnosti zagovornika, postavljanje sugestivnih vprašanj, neustrezno opravljena rekonstrukcija, seznanjanje osumljencev z dokazi, ki niso resnični ipd. Na podlagi vseh zbranih izjav prič in osumljencev ter znanih dejstev iz sodnih spisov je bil narejen pregled potencialnih možnih scenarijev v obravnavanem primeru. V zaključku je ocena hipotez, ki so bila osrednja nit magistrske naloge. Our master's thesis discuss the issue of wrongful and false confessions, whereby we could not bypass the interrogation techniques, because they are crucial for obtaining undisputed and accurate statements. The thesis involved the development and classification of interrogation techniques, and we came to the conclusion that there is no one technique that would be considered the most appropriate and acceptable in all respects. At the same time, we defined the conditions under which the interrogation technique would be most appropriate in terms of ensuring the optimal time of the hearing, ensuring the recording during the hearing, in order to gain insight into the interaction between the investigator and the questioned, objectivity of the questions, whereby the investigator must not proceed from the assumption that the suspect is truly guilty and focus on the content of the statement and not on non-verbal communication. The description of the events in the opposite order has also been proved as an effective technique, as it requires a higher mental effort of the interrogated, especially if they are lying. In analyzing the case of Martin Uhernik, which is at the same time an empirical part of our research, we must emphasize the procedural errors that were crucial that, in spite of the lengthy process, in the end, in our case the judgment ended with the acquittal of the defendant. By careful analysis of the court records we came to the conclusion that a number of illegal evidence was used during the trial, such as unsuitable obtaining of statements, in the absence of an advocate, asking suggestive questions, improperly handled reconstruction, false evidence ploy, etc. On the basis of all the collected statements of witnesses and suspects and known facts from the court files, we examined the potential scenarios in the case in question. In conclusion, we carried out an assessment of the hypotheses that we have set as the central thread of our master's thesis. |