School gardens in the pomurje region

Autor: Utroša, Patricija
Přispěvatelé: Ambrožič-Dolinšek, Jana
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Namen magistrskega dela je raziskati stanje šolskih vrtov v Pomurju. Cilj dela je bil predstavitev in zbiranje številčnih podatkov o pomurskih šolah, ki imajo šolske vrtove, ter analiza stanja šolskih vrtov na posameznih šolah. Raziskavo smo izvedli v dveh ločenih delih, in sicer z dvema anketnima vprašalnikoma. Prvi del smo izvedli s pomočjo spletnega anketnega vprašalnika, kjer je sodelovalo 38 pomurskih osnovnih šol, drugega smo izvedli z nestrukturiranim intervjujem, kjer je vzorec zajemal 9 pomurskih osnovnih šol, ter s fotografiranjem vrtov. Podrobna analiza podatkov, pridobljenih z intervjujem, zajema: vrste vrtov in rastlin, velikost in lokacijo vrta, pripomočke vrta, opravila na šolskem vrtu, organiziranost in izgradnjo vrta ter vključenost pomurskih osnovnih šol v projekte, vključenost učencev in staršev v delovanje vrta, uporabo pridelkov z vrta ter varnost učencev na vrtu. V teoretičnem delu magistrskega dela so predstavljeni pomurska regija, naravne danosti te regije, pomen šolskih vrtov za razvoj regije, naravoslovne vsebine iz učnih načrtov prvega in drugega triletja, ki vključujejo dejavnosti, povezane s šolskim vrtom, definicije šolskega vrta in opredelitve vrst šolskih vrtov. V empiričnem delu smo povzeli praktične izkušnje šol s šolskimi vrtovi v Pomurju in jih statistično ovrednotili. Predstavljene so dejavnosti, ki popularizirajo izobraževanje, povezano s šolskim vrtom in ga delajo še dostopnejšega. The purpose of the master research work is to investigate the state of school gardens in Pomurje. The aim of the study was to present and collect data from Pomurje schools with school gardens and analyze the state on individual schools. The research was carried out in two separate steps, with two different questionnaires. The first part was carried out with the an online questionnaire sended to 38 Pomurje primary schools, the second was conducted with an unstructured interview on 9 Pomurje primary schools with photographing of gardens. A detailed analysis of the data, obtained through the interview, includes: types of gardens and plants, size and location of the garden, garden accessories, work at the school garden, organization and construction of the garden, and involvement of Pomurje elementary schools in projects, involvement of pupils and parents in the garden work, use of plant crops from the garden, and the safety of pupils in the garden. The theoretical part of the master thesis presents the Pomurje region, the natural features of the region, the importance of school gardens for the development of the region, the naturala sciences content of the curricula from the first and second triennial, which include activities related to the school garden, the definitions of the school garden and the definition of the types of school gardens. In the empirical part we summarized the data about practical experience of schools with school gardens in Pomurje and statistically evaluated them. We present activities that promote education related to the school garden and make it more accessible.
Databáze: OpenAIRE