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Vsako trgovsko podjetje se bori za obstanek na trgu z optimalno postavljenimi artikli na policah. V ta namen je potrebno narediti komercialno ABC analizo in planogram blaga. Pomemben del vsake trgovine je tudi skladišče, da se pravilno in pravočasno blago prevzame, kvalitetno skladišči, ter da se izdaja blago, ki ima rok trajanja, po metodi FIFO. Vse to so argumenti za boljši promet trgovskega podjetja kar je tudi primer naše diplomske naloge. V TC Merkur Brežice imamo na zalogi le artikle z klasifikacijo A, po naročilu kupca pa B in C. Z uvedbo B artiklov v redni asortiman bi radi povečali promet na oddelku Kemija, kjer smo z analizami to tudi dokazali. Na začetku diplomske naloge smo predstavili teoretične osnove, v nadaljevanju pa predstavili trenutno stanje. Trenutno stanje smo kritično analizirali ter podali tudi možne izboljšave tako same uvedbe B artiklov v redni asortiman kot tudi skladiščnega poslovanja. Na podlagi pridobljenih podatkov smo ugotovili, da skladiščni prostor nima dovolj velike zalogovne zmogljivosti za uvedbo B artiklov. Predlagali smo postavitev montažnega šotora in novih skladiščnih regalov. Rezultate smo predstavili v zaključnem delu diplomske naloge, kjer vidimo, da se investicija povrne v dobrih 5 letih. K izboljšanju vodenja zalog bi pripomogla tudi nadgradnja strojne opreme in informacijskega sistema. Every trading company fought for survival in the market with optimal placed items on the shelves. For this purpose, it is necessary to make a commercial ABC analysis and planogram of the goods. An important part of each store is a warehouse where the goods are correctly and timely acquired, well stored, and that they issue the goods that has expiration date, according to the FIFO method. These are all arguments for better marketing of the enterprise as is the case of our thesis. In the SC Merkur Brežice we have in stock only items with classification A, while B and C are ordered on customer demand. With the introduction of B items in the regular assortment we would like to increase income in the chemical product department, where we demonstrated this with analysis. In this thesis, we initially presented the theoretical basis, but thereafter presented the current situation. We have critically analyzed current situation and present possible improvements of the introduction of B items in the regular assortment as well as warehouse management. Based on the obtained data, we found that storage space doesn’t have enough warehouse capacity for the introduction of B items. We have proposed a prefabricated tent and new storage racks. The results are presented at the end of the thesis, where we see that the return on investment is more than 5 years. Upgrading hardware and information system would also improve stock management. |