The establishment of commonhold on the building right in theory and practice
Autor: | Rokavec, Špela |
Přispěvatelé: | Vrenčur, Renato |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2018 |
Předmět: |
stavbna pravica
land cadastre property register etažna lastnina the transformation of the building right into commonhold commonhold cadastre of buildings zemljiški kataster kataster stavb building right preoblikovanje stavbne pravice v etažno lastnino načelo superficies solo cedit udc:347.214.2(043.3) zemljiška knjiga principle of superficies solo cedit |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Bistvo instituta stavbne pravice je v pravni ločitvi zgradbe od zemljišča, kar omogoča različen lastniški položaj na stavbi in zemljišču, zaradi česar pomeni odstop od načela superficies solo cedit. Enako velja tudi za etažno lastnino, ki omogoča, da se posamezni del stavbe določi kot samostojna stvar. Nepremičnine nastanejo v geodetskih postopkih, kjer se tudi ugotavljajo njihove lastnosti in se kot take evidentirajo v zemljiškem katastru in katastru stavb. Ko nepremičnina nastane in so znane njene lastnosti, kot so obseg, površina, meje itd., sledi določitev pravic, ki se vežejo nanjo. Te pravice pa se evidentirajo na podlagi zemljiškoknjižnih predlogov ali poočitve v zemljiško knjigo. Etažna lastnina se vzpostavi šele z vpisom v zemljiško knjigo. V skladu z 258. členom SPZ se lahko zgradba, ki je zgrajena na nepremičnini, obremenjeni s stavbno pravico, tudi razdeli v etažno lastnino ob upoštevanju zakonskih pogojev. Izvesti je treba delitev zgradbe na posamezne in skupne dele, pri čemer so posamezni deli takšni, da jih je mogoče posebej uporabljati, skupni deli pa služijo vsem ali vsaj več posameznim delom. V klasični etažni lastnini je glavni skupni del zemljišče, na katerem stoji stavba, in z vidika lastninske pravice se na to zemljišče prenaša pravno razmerje etažnih lastnikov na skupnih delih. Etažna lastnina se lahko vzpostavi samo na že zgrajeni zgradbi, zato bo investitor gradnje najprej praviloma pridobil stavbno pravico na zemljišču in sezidal zgradbo. Ko bo z gradnjo končal, bo z enostranskim pravnim poslom oblikoval etažno lastnino po pravilih SPZ. Posebnost take etažne lastnine bo v tem, da bo namesto zemljišča, na katerem stoji zgradba, skupni del predstavljala stavbna pravica. Imetništvo stavbne pravice pa bo enako, kot je pravno razmerje na skupnih delih, torej bo vsakemu posameznemu delu pripadal ustrezni delež udeležbe na stavbni pravici. Takšen režim etažne lastnine na zgradbi nima vpliva na prenehanje stavbne pravice, saj s potekom časa nastopijo enake pravne posledice in zgradba kot celota postane sestavni del zemljišča, na katerem je pred tem obstajala stavbna pravica. Iz razloga, da zgradba po prenehanju nima več lastnosti samostojne stvari, preneha tudi etažna lastnina. Lastnik oziroma lastniki zemljišča po prenehanju stavbne pravice pa lahko ponovno vzpostavijo etažno lastnino, če tako želijo. Stavba in njeni prostorski deli ostanejo vpisani v katastru stavb, kadar preneha stavbna pravica, kar pomeni, da prenehanje stavbne pravice ni podlaga za izbris stavbe in njenih prostorskih delov iz katastra stavb in tudi ne za prenehanje etažne lastnine. Posledica prenehanja je le ta, da prejšnji lastniki posameznih delov, če niso hkrati postali solastniki zemljišča, ki je obremenjeno s stavbno pravico, in če so ti različni od lastnika tega zemljišča, izgubijo lastninsko pravico na posameznih delih stavbe v etažni lastnini in soimetništvo stavbne pravice. Nov etažni lastnik postane lastnik zemljišča. The essence of the building right institute is the legal separation of the building from the land, which leads to a different ownership position on the building and on the land. This makes a withdrawal from the principle of superficies solo cedit. This also applies to commonhold which allows the individual of the building designated as a detached matter. Properties arise in geodetic procedures, where are also determined their characteristics as recorded in the land cadastre and in the cadastre of buildings. When property is created and we know its characteristics such as size, area, boundaries etc., then follows the determination of the rights attached to it. These rights are recorded on the basis of land register proposals or re-entry into the property register. Commonhold is established by entering the property register. According to the article 258 of the SPZ a building built on the property, which is burdened with the building right, can also be divided into commonhold. The division of the building into individual and common units must be carried out. Individual units must be organized in the way that can be used individually meanwhile the common units must be organized in the way that can be used by all units. Normally the commonhold has the land on which the building is located as the main common unit and the legal relationship of the unit-holders is transferred to this land. Commonhold can only be established on a building that is already built therefore the investor will primarily acquire the building right on the land and then build the building. Once the building is completed, he will establish commonhold with a contract. The specialty of this commonhold is in building right which is the common unit instead of the land. The ownership of the building right will be the same as the legal relationship in common units, therefore each part will have an adequate share of participation in the building right. Such a regime of commonhold on the building does not have any impact on the termination of the building right, since the same legal consequences occur with the passage of the building right. The whole building becomes an integral part of the land. Because the building is no longer an independent item, the commonhold also ceases. The landowners can re-establish the commonhold when the building right ceases to exist. The building and its parts shall remain registered in the cadastre of buildings when the building right is terminated. The termination does not constitute a basis for the removal from the cadastre of buildings, nor also for the termination of the commonhold. The consequence is that the previous unit-holders lose the property right on individual units of the building if they did not become co-owners of the land burdened with the building right. The new commonhold owner becomes the owner of the land. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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