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Predmet našega raziskovanja sta distribucijska centra podjetja Intereuropa d. d., ki sta locirana v Mariboru in Celju. S pomočjo pridobljenih podatkov od podjetja Intereuropa d. d. smo opravili številne analize, s pomočjo katerih smo ugotavljali, ali je potrebna reorganizacija katerega izmed distribucijskih centrov z namenom zmanjšanja stroškov podjetja Intereuropa d. d. Reorganizacija je predvsem mišljena v smislu, ali je za podjetje bolj ugodno kateri izmed dveh distribucijskih centrov ukiniti ali obdržati obstoječe stanje. Tako smo v prvem delu naloge opredelili teoretične osnove, kjer smo ugotovili, da so distribucijski centri zelo pomemben člen v preskrbnih verigah, saj zagotavljajo delovanje distribucijske logistike. Njihova vloga je pomembna pri dobavi, saj preskrbne verige postajajo skladno z globalizacijo trga in kompleksnostjo končnih izdelkov vedno bolj kompleksne. V drugem delu naloge je potekala raziskava in številne analize poslovanja distribucijskega centra v Mariboru in v Celju. S pomočjo raziskave in rezultati analiz smo ovrgli obe naši zastavljeni tezi, kajti ugotovili smo, da oba distribucijska centra poslujeta negativno. Glede na negativne rezultate poslovanja obeh centrov smo mnenja, da so potrebni določeni ukrepi za zmanjševanje stroškov v obeh distribucijskih centrih. Zagotovo rešitev ni reorganizacija, kot smo si jo zamislili v naši nalogi, ampak so potrebne manjše spremembe, kot so boljša izkoriščenost skladiščnih prostorov in boljša razporeditev že zaposlenih delavcev glede na obseg dela. Our research topic are two distribution centers from Intereuropa d. d. company which are located in Maribor and Celje. With the help of incurred data from Intereuropa d. d. we made several analyzes which helped us to determined if the reorganization of distribution centers is necessary, with the purpose to lower costs of Intereuropa d. d. company. The reorganization was meant in terms of costs, which distribution centers we need to cut or keep the existing condition. That is why we identified theoretical fundamentals in the first part of the assignment, and determine how important distribution centers are in supply chains, because of their providing of distribution logistics. The distribution center role is significant for the supply, because the supply chains are becoming more complex with its globalization of the market and complexity of final products. In the second part of the assignment numerous analysis took place, including the analysis of management of distribution center in Maribor and Celje. With the help of analysis and the analysis results we refuted both of our pledged thesis. We realize that both distribution centers operate negative and based on those negative results of both centers we recommend certain actions for lowering costs in both distribution centers. Surely the reorganization as proposed in the beginning is not the solution, minor changes are needed. For example utilization of warehouse facilities and better layout of already employed workers based on the scope of work. |