Optimizacija načrtovanja simetričnih gravitacijskih podpornih zidov

Autor: Sadoğlu, Erol
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Acta geotechnica Slovenica, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 71-79, 2014.
ISSN: 1854-0171
Popis: The optimization for symmetrical gravity retaining walls of different heights is examined in this study. For this purpose, an optimization problem of continuous functions is developed. The continuous functions are the objective function defined as the cross-sectional area of the wall and the constraint functions derived from external stability and internal stability verifications. The verifications are listed as the overturning, the forward sliding, the bearing capacity, the shears in the stem and the bendings in the stem. The heights of the walls are selected as 2.0, 3.0, and 4.0 m in order to investigate the outline of the optimum cross-section and the effect of the wall height on the outline. Additionally, the physical and mechanical properties of the soil are kept constant in order to compare only the effect of the height on the geometry. The upper and lower bounds of the solution space are specified to be as wide as possible and the minimum dimensions suggested for the gravity retaining walls are not taken into account. A common feature of the optimum cross-sections of walls with different heights is to have a very wide lower part like a wall foundation and a slender stem. However, other than the forward sliding constraint, the bending constraints are active at the optimum values of the variables. V članku je predstavljena optimizacija simetričnih gravitacijskih podpornih zidov različnih velikosti. Razvit je bil optimizacijski problem zveznih funkcij. Zvezne funkcije predstavljajo namenska funkcija, definirana kot območje prereza zidu in omejitvene funkcije, ki izpolnjujejo pogoje zunanje in notranje stabilnosti. Preverjeni so prevračanje, zdrs, nosilnost temeljnih tal ter strižna in upogibna nosilnost zidu. Za raziskavo oblike optimalnega prereza in vpliva višine zidu na obliko so bile izbrane višine zidov 2.0, 3.0 in 4.0 m. Upoštevane so bile konstantne fizikalne in mehanske lastnosti zemljine z namenom možnosti primerjav vpliva višine na geometrijo. Podrobno so navedene zgornje in spodnje meje območja rešitev, medtem ko minimalne dimenzije gravitacijskih podpornih zidov niso bile upoštevane. Pri optimalnem prerezu različno visokih zidov je običajno, da je zelo širok temelj zidu in tanjši vertikalni del. Pri optimalni vrednosti spremenljivk ni merodajen pogoj stabilnosti na zdrs ampak pogoj upogibne nosilnosti prereza.
Databáze: OpenAIRE