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Opazovanje v montessori okolju je ključnega pomena za spremljanje otrokovega razvoja in napredka. Le z dobro načrtovanim in natančnim opazovanjem lahko otroku pomagamo, da se razvije in odraste v samostojno osebo in tako usvoji spretnosti in sposobnosti značilne za svojo starost. Diplomsko delo z naslovom Pomen opazovanja v montessori okolju za presojo napredka pri otroku je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega, empiričnega in praktičnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili pedagogiko montessori in vse njene značilnosti. V empiričnem delu smo raziskali kakšna je dobra priprava na opazovanje otrok, prav tako smo preučili, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na spretnosti in sposobnosti pri otrocih. Preučili pa smo tudi, kako starost vpliva na samostojnost otrok. V praktičnem delu smo našo pozornost posvetili opazovanju otrok in skozi čas opazovanja preučevali napredek otrok na posameznih področjih razvoja. Rezultati kažejo na to, da se je na dobro opazovanje treba dobro pripraviti, otroke ves čas budno opazovati, spremljati in spodbujati ter jih podpirati pri samostojnosti, le na tak način bomo otrokom lahko pomagali do te mere, da bodo otroci zmožni sami opravit določeno spretnost ali sposobnost na samostojen način. Observation in a Montessori environment is of key importance for monitoring the child's development and progress. Only through well planned and precise observations can the teacher help the child to develop and grow into an independent person and thus acquire the skills and abilities that are specific to his or her age. This diploma thesis entitled The importance of observation in the Montessori environment for assessing the progress of the child consists of the theoretical, empirical and practical parts. The theoretical part contains a presentation of Montessori pedagogy and all its characteristics. The empirical part explains how to prepare properly for observing children and which factors influence a child's skills and abilities. It is also examined how age affects children's independence. The practical part is focused on actual observations of children and their progress in particular areas of development during the period of observation. Results show that the teacher needs to be well prepared to observe objectively and precisely. Children need to be closely observed and their development monitored. The teacher needs to encourage them and support their independence, as this is the only way to help children so that they are able to complete tasks on their own and fully develop their abilities. |