Autor: Turk, Irena
Přispěvatelé: Duh, Mojca
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Planiranje je del našega vsakdana. Kot je planiranje prisotno v vsakdanjem življenju pri preprostih opravilih, tako je prisotno pri kompleksnejših odločitvah v podjetjih. S planiranjem se v podjetju srečujemo vse od njegovega nastajanja – ustanovitve, razvoja in rasti, delovanja in obnašanja, samega poslovanja, sanacije in ne nazadnje tudi prenehanja podjetja. Z dobrim planiranjem v času obstoja in razvoja, ter delovanja in obnašanja se znatno podaljša življenjska doba podjetja in se prepreči sanacija. V diplomskem delu smo preučevali trgovsko podjetje in presojali planiranje delovanja in obnašanja v podjetju. Trgovsko podjetje je specializirana trgovina na debelo na področju pekarstva, slaščičarstva in gostinstva. Podjetje spada po Zakonu o gospodarskih družbah med majhne družbe. V začetnem delu diplomskega dela smo na splošno opredelili podjetniško planiranje, delovanje in obnašanja v podjetju. V nadaljevanju diplomskega dela smo predstavili trgovsko podjetje, njegovo vizijo in poslanstvo ter temeljne cilje. V obravnavanem podjetju smo ugotavljali in preučevali planiranje, področja planiranja in planiranje angažiranja. Ugotovili smo prednosti in slabosti ter priložnosti in nevarnosti v podjetju in zunaj njega. Menimo, da je največja prednost kakovost prodajnega blaga in dobro poznavanje prodajnih trgov. Največjo slabost pa smo zaznali v veliki koncentraciji domače in tuje konkurence. Na podlagi analiziranja trgovskega podjetja smo opozorili na nekaj področji, v katerih planiranje ni najbolj optimalno. S tem smo podjetju pripomogli k še boljšemu planiranju delovanja in obnašanja ter posledično k boljšemu poslovnemu rezultatu. Planning is a part of a daily life. The same way it is present in a daily life, it is also present in more complex decisions in a company. We apply planning in the company at its formation – establishment, development and growth, operation and behaviour, remediation and even at the dissolution of the company. The lifespan of the company significantly extends with good planning during the business’s existence and development, operation and behaviour, and also prevents the need for the remediation of the company. In this thesis, I studied the trading company and its planning of the operation and behaviour of the company. The trading company is a wholesaler specialized in the bakery, confectionery and catering industry. This company is classified as a small business, according to the Companies Act. In the first part of the thesis, I roughly describe company’s planning and operation, and behaviour in it. In the second part of the thesis, I present the trading company, its vision, mission and primary goals. In the case company, I observed and studied the planning, areas and engagement of planning. I determined advantages and disadvantages and also opportunities, and internal and external threats. The biggest advantage of this company is the quality of the goods they sell and good knowledge of the markets. The biggest threat I was able to determine, was the high concentration of domestic and foreign competitors. Based on the analysis of the trading company, I was able to point out the areas, where planning was not optimised. With this I helped the company to a better planning and behaviour, and consequently to the better business result.
Databáze: OpenAIRE