Autor: Klep, Anja
Přispěvatelé: Bošnjak, Blanka
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Pojav groteske na motivno-tematski ravni doda vrednost, obarvanost, slikovitost in polnost. Hkrati nam kot sprejemnikom/bralcem na recepcijski ravni obudi občutek gnusa, smeha, sočustvovanja, pomilovanja, presenečenja, odvratnosti, jeze, absurda, resignacije … Elemente groteske so vpenjali v svoje tekste različni avtorji, mi pa se bomo posvetili groteski v sodobni slovenski kratki prozi pri izbranih pisateljih. Največ gnusa in absurda med izbranimi zbirkami kratke proze nam na notranjeslogovnem nivoju ponudi Mihaela Hojnik v zbirki kratke proze Maločudnice. Zaradi same vsebine kratkih zgodb njeni teksti dolga leta niso bili sprejeti in so bili zavrnjeni ob vsaki prošnji za objavo. Zbirka je izšla šele dve leti po smrti avtorice. Prvotni naslov »Gnusljivke« bi bralce najnatančneje pripravil na to, kakšni občutki se porajajo v recepcijskem procesu med branjem. Dodatne realistične in fantastične prvine pa zbirko zaokrožijo v samosvojo celoto. Podobno, a vendarle manj slikovito, se groteskne prvine kažejo v kratki prozi Mojce Kumerdej v zbirki Temna snov. Groteska izgubi rdečo nit, pri čemer prevladuje realistični slog upovedovanja, kar lahko bralce napolni z mešanimi občutki. Fantastične in groteskne prvine kakor tudi motive, smrt narave in kanibalizem nam ponudi Gregor Lozar v zbirki Spačene. Sam naslov nas opozori na nepovprečnost glavnih oseb, njihovega življenja, posredno tudi same zgodbe. Različne motive, kakor so smrt, uboj, posilstvo, samomor, telesna pohabljenost, smrt narave in duševna razdvojenost smo primerjali skozi motivno-tematsko analizo med izbranimi zbirkami kratke proze. Naravna smrt, posejana z grotesknimi prvinami, uboji, ki nam s pomočjo grotesknih prvin prikazujejo naravo morilca samomori, ki nam prikažejo groteskno končanje praznih življenj telesna pohabljenost, ki nam groteskno obarvane motive lahko prikaže v fantastični luči in smrt narave, ki nam lahko kot bralcem vzbuja negativne občutke. The phenomenon of the grotesque adds value, coloration, picturesqueness and fullness on the motif-thematic level. At the same time it awakens feelings of disgust, laughter, compassion, pity, surprise, repulsion, anger, absurd, resignation and others on the level of the receivers/readers reception. Different authors introduced elements of grotesque into their texts, but we will focus on the grotesque in modern Slovenian short prose of selected writers. On the internal stylistic level most of disgust and absurd among the selected collections of short prose is provided by Mihaela Hojnik in the collection of short prose Maločudnice. Due to the content of her short stories itself her texts were not accepted for many years and were rejected at every appeal for publishing. The collection was not published until two years after the author’s death. The original title »Gnusljivke« would most accurately prepare readers for the feelings that rise in the perception process while reading, whereas the additional realistic and fictional elements round the collection into a unique whole. Similarly, but less colourfully the elements of the grotesque manifest in the short prose of Mojca Kumerdej from the collection Temna snov. The grotesque loses its red line, whereby the realistic style of narration prevails and can cause mixed emotions in readers. Fantastical and grotesque elements as well as motifs, death of the nature and cannibalism are provided by Gregor Lozar in the collection Spačene. The title itself warns us about non-mediocrity of the main characters, their lives and indirectly the story itself. We compared different motifs like death, manslaughter, rape, suicide, physical deformity, death of the nature and mental disunity through the motif-thematic analysis between the selected collections of short prose. Natural death, accompanied with elements of grotesque, manslaughters, that with the elements of the grotesque present the murderer’s nature suicides, that show the grotesque ending of empty lives physical deformity, that shows the grotesque motifs in fantastic manners and death of the nature, that triggers negative feelings in us as readers.
Databáze: OpenAIRE