Procesi profesionalizacije na področju zaščite, reševanja in pomoči v Sloveniji

Autor: Malešič, Marjan, Jeraj, Julij
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Varstvoslovje, vol. 20, no. 3, pp. 331-357, 2018.
ISSN: 1580-0253
Popis: Namen prispevka: Namen članka je predstaviti dejavnike, ki vplivajo na stopnjo profesionalnosti področja zaščite, reševanja in pomoči v Sloveniji. Proces profesionalizacije razumemo v strukturnem in funkcionalnem smislu. Metode: Pri proučevanju smo uporabili metodo analize vsebine normativnih dokumentov, programov izobraževanja in usposabljanja ter publikacij, ki jih izdajajo ustanove sistema ter raziskovalni inštituti. Analizirali smo podatke Uprave Republike Slovenije za zaščito in reševanje (URSZR) o strukturi zaposlenih na obravnavanem področju ter njihovem izobraževanju in usposabljanju. Nestrukturiran intervju smo izvedli s tremi predstavniki URSZR in dvema predstavnikoma gasilske organizacije. S sekundarno analizo javnomnenjskih podatkov in njihovo interpretacijo smo predstavili odnos javnosti do sistema varstva pred nesrečami in njegovih posameznih akterjev. Ugotovitve: Z raziskavo smo ugotovili, da področje zaščite, reševanja in pomoči ni v celoti profesionalizirano niti v strukturnem niti v funkcionalnem pogledu. Popolna strukturna profesionalnost ni smotrn cilj, saj sistem v veliki meri temelji na visoko razvitem prostovoljstvu, ki je potrebno za spoprijemanje sistema z nesrečami. Temu navkljub bi bilo treba poklicne strukture okrepiti, vsaj primerljivo z ravnjo izpred dveh desetletij in več oziroma glede na njihove obstoječe sistemizacije delovnih mest. K povečanju stopnje funkcionalne profesionalnosti bi prispevala uporaba vseh obstoječih možnosti izobraževanja in usposabljanja ter oblikovanje specialističnih programov na področju zaščite, reševanja in pomoči. Oblikovanje enotnega profesionalnega združenja bi prispevalo k poenotenju standardov na področju izobraževanja in usposabljanja ter k oblikovanju skupnega etičnega kodeksa. Omejitve: Avtorja članka v analizo nista mogla vključiti vseh struktur, ki delujejo na področju varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami, temveč sta se osredotočila zgolj na ključne akterje s področja zaščite, reševanja in pomoči ob nesreči. Praktična uporabnost: Praktična uporabnost analize je v pričakovanju, da bi uresničenje vseh predlogov, ki izhajajo iz ugotovitev, omogočilo uspešnejše spoprijemanje z izzivi na področju odziva na nesreče in še povečalo ugled sistema varstva pred naravnimi in drugimi nesrečami v javnosti. Izvirnost: Članek je izviren, vendar temelji na citirani literaturi, virih in podatkih. Purpose: The purpose of the article is to introduce the factors that influence the level of professionalization in the field of protection, rescue and relief in Slovenia. Professionalization is understood in structural and functional terms. Design/Methods/Approach: Research was based upon content analysis of legal documents, training and educational programmes, and publications released by the institutions of the system itself and research institutes. We also analysed the Administration for Civil Protection and Disaster Relief (ACPDR) data on the structure of personnel employed in the field and on their training and education. Unstructured interview was conducted with three representatives of ACPDR and two representatives of firefighting organization. By applying secondary analysis of public opinion data and their interpretation, we introduced the attitude of the public towards the system of protection against disasters and its individual actors. Findings: The research revealed that the protection, rescue and relief system is not structurally nor functionally fully professionalized. Full structural professionalization is not a reasonable objective due to the fact that the system is based upon highly developed voluntarism coping with bigger disasters. Nevertheless, the professional structures should be strengthened at least to the level comparable to the one we witnessed twenty and more years ago or according to the current systemization of job positions. The use of all existing training and educational possibilities and forming of specialist programmes in the field of protection, rescue and relief would contribute to higher level of functional professionalization. Forming of single professional association of personnel would contribute to standardization in the training and educational field and to forming of common ethical code. Research Limitations/Implications: The limitation of the article is in the fact that the authors in their analysis could not include all structures that operate in the field of disaster management, but focussed only on the key actors that provide protection, rescue and relief in case of disaster. Practical Implications: Practical applicability of the analysis is in the expectation that the implementation of all suggestions based upon findings would increase the level of success in coping with disaster response challenges and would additionally increase the reputation of the system of protection against natural and other disasters in the eyes of the public. Originality/Value: The article is original, however it is based upon quoted literature, sources and data.
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