Elements of security plan events

Autor: Roškarič, Kristijan
Přispěvatelé: Podbregar, Iztok
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Brežice
Popis: Prireditve privabijo veliko število obiskovalcev tako domačinov kot turistov. Uspešnost prireditev na turističnih destinacijah je zelo odvisna od varnosti, saj vemo, da se grožnje varnosti vedno odražajo v turizmu. V zaključnem delu z naslovom »Elementi varnostnega načrta prireditve »Poletna grajska dogodivščina 2016« smo želeli proučiti organizacijo varovanja javne prireditve v Posavskem muzeju Brežice, kjer smo opravljali praktično usposabljanje v času študija. S proučitvijo elementov varnostnega načrta take prireditve pa dobiti odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja, ki smo si jih zastavili. Diplomsko delo je razdeljeno na štiri dele. V prvem delu so prikazane splošne teoretične značilnosti turizma in varnosti v turizmu, kot jih pojmujejo različni avtorji. Drugi del obravnava varovanje javnih prireditev kot jih je normativno predpisala država. Predstavljeni so vsi zakonski in podzakonski akti, ki so podlaga za načrtovanje in izvedbo varovanja javnih prireditev. Zasebne družbe, prevzemajo od države vse več pooblastil in nalog varovanja. Varovanje v muzejih je zakonsko urejeno posebej z Zakonom o varovanju kulturne dediščine, ki pa prav tako kot velja za prireditve v muzejih. Z Uredbo o obveznem organiziranju varovanja, pa določil elemente varnostnega načrta. Muzeji načrtujejo varovanje zgradbe in razstavljene kulturne dediščine. Vsi vidiki varnosti, tudi varovanje prireditev v muzeju, so zajeti v krovnem načrtu varovanja. Da bi spoznali kompleksnost organiziranja in izvedbe varovanja prireditve v muzeju, je v naslednjem poglavju predstavljena javna prireditev »Poletna grajska dogodivščina 2016« v Posavskem muzeju Brežice. Z analitičnim pristopom do varovanja prireditve v muzeju, smo določili elemente varovanja in elemente varnostnega načrta po naši zamisli, seveda ob upoštevanju zakonskih predpisov, programa prireditve in ugotovitev drugih avtorjev. Za potrditev raziskovalnih vprašanj v nalogi smo opravili raziskavo v obliki usmerjenega intervjuja, kjer smo na podlagi enakih vprašanj od direktorice muzeja in naključnega obiskovalca pridobili njihova mnenja o elementih varnostnega načrta in dobili odgovore na raziskovalna vprašanja, ki smo si jih zastavili. Events attract a lot of visitours, locals and tourists. Succes of the events at tourist destinations depends from security, because we know that treats of security are always showing in tourism. In the final part titled with »the elements of the security plan of Summer castle adventure 2016« we wanted to study the organization of security of public events in Posavje museum Brežice, where we have done the enternship at the time of colage. With a consideration of the security plan of events like this to get the answers on our questions, which we asked ourselfs in our researchpaper. Our research paper is divided into four sections. In the first part we have showed the basic teoretical features of tourism and security in the tourism, like many of the different autors have said. The second part is counsidering the security of public events by the state law. All laws and bylaws are intrudused which are the base for planing and the implement of public events. Private companys are taking over more and more duties and powers from security by state. Security in the museums is regulated separately by the Law of Protection of Cultural Heritage, which is just as valid at the events in the museums. The Regulation on compulsory protection organization determinets the elements of the security plan. Museums have the security plan to protect the buildings and exhibits of cultural heritage. All aspects of security, including protection events in the museum are included in the overarching plan to protect. The complexity of organizing and running events and organizing the protection of the museum at the public event "Summer castle adventure`s " in the Posavje Museum Brežice is presented in the next chapter. The analytical approach on the protection of events in the museum, we determine the elements and protection elements of the safety plan according to our ideas of course taking into conciduration the legal regulations, program events and other autors. To confirm the research questions in this paper we performed a directed interview, where we got our answers based on the same questions, which we asked the director of the museum and a random visitors. This is how we got their views on elements of the security plan.
Databáze: OpenAIRE