The role of an arbitrator in an arbitrage
Autor: | Šilec, Sašo |
Přispěvatelé: | Ivanc, Tjaša |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2016 |
Předmět: |
Arbitration arbitrator pravice in obveznosti arbitrov impartiality of the arbitrators choosing of an arbitrator arbiter legal relations between parties and arbitrators udc:347.918(043.2) izbira arbitra arbitražni postopek neodvisnost in nepristranskost arbitrov temeljna načela arbitražnega postopka izločitev arbitra fundamental principles of the arbitral proceedings pravno razmerje med strankami in arbitri challenge of an arbitrator arbitral proceedings arbitrator's rights and obligations |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Arbitražni postopek je ena izmed alternativnih možnosti, ki jih imajo stranke, če odločanja v sporu med njimi ne želijo prepustiti rednim sodiščem. Razlogi za takšno željo strank so lahko različni, pogosto je motiv strank želja, da v sporu odloča nekdo, ki ima izkušnje iz področja na katerem delujejo, ali pa gre zgolj za nezaupanje do rednih sodišč in sodnikov le-teh. Namen naloge je obravnavati vlogo arbitra znotraj arbitražnega postopka, torej ugotoviti kakšna je njihova vloga pri samem začetku, kako so izbrani in imenovani v arbitražni senat, kakšno je razmerje med arbitri in strankami in kaj to razmerje prinaša. Ugotoviti je, da so arbitri kot osebe, ki jih stranke same izberejo, da odločajo o njihovem sporu ena izmed ključnih prednosti samega arbitražnega postopka. Njihovo znanje, avtoriteta in osebnostne sposobnosti prinašajo arbitražnemu postopku verodostojnost in nudijo rezultatu postopka, tj. sprejeti odločbi, spoštovanje s strani strank. Med strankami in arbitri tako z imenovanjem v arbitražni senat nastane pravno razmerje sui generis, ki ima posledice tako v sferi strank kot tudi arbitrov, obojim namreč prinaša določene pravice in obveznosti, ki jih morajo spoštovati. Tako je temeljna pravica arbitra pravica do plačila, njegova temeljna dolžnost pa je nepristranskost ob odločanju v sporu in skrbnost pri sprejemanju te odločitve. Predmet naloge je tudi posledica v primeru kršitve obveznosti takšnega razmerja, v pravu namreč kršitvi primarne dispozicije (v tem primeru pogodbenega določila, ki ga postavita stranki razmerja, tj. arbiter in stranke same) vselej sledi sankcija. Ker so arbitri zadolženi za upoštevanje postopkovnih pravil, ki pa so predmet odločitve strank, imajo ključno vlogo tako pri samem postopku, ki vodi do odločanja, kot tudi pri sprejemanju končne odločitve. To pomeni, da morajo tekom delovanja arbitražnega senata slediti določenim tirnicam, ki jim rečemo temeljna načela arbitražnega postopka. Vloga arbitrov pri uresničevanju temeljnih načel arbitražnega postopka je tako tematika obravnavana v zadnjem poglavju diplomskega dela in služi celostnemu obravnavanju vloge arbitrov pri oblikovanju postopka. Arbitration is one of the alternative options that parties may turn to if they do not wish for the regular court to issue a ruling in their dispute. The reasons for parties to decide for an arbitral proceeding differ on a case-to-case basis, the most frequent motive for a client's desire to authorize an arbitral court over a regular one is the fact that arbitrators are usually experienced in the field, from which the dispute stems or the clients may simply consider regular courts and their judges untrustworthy. The purpose of this assignment is to discuss the role of an arbitrator in an arbitral proceeding, hence to determine what is the arbitrators role in the beggining of the proceedings, how the arbitrators are selected and appointed into the arbitral tribunal, what is the legal relationship between the parties in dispute and arbitrators and what this relationship brings to both sides. It is possible to determine that arbitrators are persons chosen by parties to make a decision in a dispute between them and are as such one of the paramount advantages of the arbitral proceedings. Their knowledge, authority and personal abilities bring credibility to the proceedings and provide the issued ruling respect of parties involved. Appointment of the arbitrators by parties in dispute results in a formation of a legal relationship sui generis, which has consequences in a legal sphere of both - parties and arbitrators, each of them gain certain rights and obligations that require fulfilment. One of the fundamental rights that an arbitrator gains is the right to receive payment for the service provided, while its fundamental obligation is to be impartial in the arbitral proceeding and due diligence when making a decision. The subject of this assignment is also the consequence in case of breach of such contractual relationship, because in law the violation of the primary disposition (in this case the contractual stipulation put there by parties of the contract – the arbitrator and the client) is followed by a sanction. Because the arbitrators are assigned to enforce the procedural rules, which are a matter of the decision between the parties, their role is critical within the proceedure that leads to decision making aswell as within the process of decision making aswell. This means that arbitrators in the form of an arbitral tribunal have to follow certain rules, which we call fundamental principles of arbitral proceedings. The role of arbitrators within the realization of these principles is also a topic of this assignement in the last chapter and serves as a wholesome analysis of the role of an arbitrator in the making of an arbitral proceeding. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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