Autor: Pulko, Jani
Přispěvatelé: Brumen, Mihaela
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu na podlagi analize osmih delovnih zvezkov za angleščino kot prvi tuji jezik v 4. in 5. razredu osnovne šole (OŠ) ugotavljamo integracijo naravoslovnih vsebin. V delovnih zvezkih poiščemo naloge, ki se navezujejo na naravoslovno tematiko, in med njimi primerjamo pogostost pojavljanja tem iz posameznih naravoslovnih tematskih sklopov, pogostost vključevanja operativnih ciljev naravoslovja, pogostost pojava posameznih spoznavnih postopkov in pogostost vključevanja posameznih generičnih kompetenc. V teoretičnem delu pozornost namenimo medpredmetnemu povezovanju, raziskavam na področju povezovanja pouka naravoslovja in tujega jezika ter opredelimo kriterije za analizo delovnih zvezkov. Ti so naravoslovni tematski sklopi, operativni cilji pouka naravoslovja, spoznavni postopki in generične kompetence. Skozi raziskavo ugotovimo, da se v delovnih zvezkih najpogosteje pojavljajo naloge, ki se tematsko navezujejo na naravoslovni tematski sklop živa bitja in človek. Izmed 187 nalog z naravoslovno tematiko se le 3 delno približajo operativnim ciljem naravoslovja. Med spoznavnimi postopki v nalogah z naravoslovno tematiko prevladuje zaznavanje, ki mu sledita razvrščanje in sklepanje. Spoznavni postopek, ki smo ga med nalogami z naravoslovno tematiko najbolj pogrešali, a ga nismo zaznali, je izvajanje poskusov. Med generičnimi kompetencami je v vseh nalogah zajeta sposobnost samostojnega ali timskega dela. V 16 % nalog smo zaznali kompetenco sposobnosti zbiranja informacij, ki ji sledi kompetentnost na področju verbalne in pisne komunikacije ter medosebne interakcije. Na podlagi štirih zastavljenih kriterijev, ki smo jih upoštevali pri analizi delovnih zvezkov, smo s pomočjo starega (1998) in novega Učnega načrta za naravoslovje in tehniko (2011) zbrali naravoslovne dejavnosti, primerne za pouk tujega jezika v otroštvu. V zaključku poudarimo priložnosti za dopolnitev integracije naravoslovnih vsebin v delovnih zvezkih za angleščino v 4. in 5. razredu OŠ. The master thesis introduces integration of science contents in workbooks for English on the basis of an analysis of eight workbooks for English as a first foreign language in the 4th and 5th grade of primary school. We looked for the science related tasks and compared them in terms of the frequency of occurrence of particular science themes, the frequency of integration of the operational objectives of science, the frequency of occurrence of individual cognitive processes and the frequency of integration of each generic competence in workbooks for English. In the theoretical part, attention was paid to a cross-curricular approach and a research on the integration of science and foreign language teaching. Also, the criteria for workbook analysis were presented: science themes, the operational objectives of science teaching, the cognitive processes and the generic competences. The study shows that the most frequently occurring tasks are the ones related to the science themes of living creatures and human beings. Among the 187 science-related tasks there are only 3 that include the operational science objectives. Among the cognitive processes, in the science-themed tasks, the perception is predominant, followed by classification and inference. The cognitive process, which we among the science-related tasks in the workbooks missed the most, to conduct experiments, was not detected. Generic competences in all tasks include the individual work or a team work. In 16% of the tasks the competence of collecting information was detected, followed by competence of verbal and written communication, interpersonal interaction etc. On the basis of the four set criteria that were taken into account in the analysis of the workbooks for English as the first foreign language, through the old (1998) and the new science and technology Curriculum (2011), the science activities suitable for teaching a foreign language at the primary level were collected. In conclusion, the opportunities to complement the integration of science content in the English workbooks in the 4th and 5th grades of primary school are highlighted.
Databáze: OpenAIRE