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Logistika je bila vedno tesno povezana z dogodki v družbeno-političnem okolju. Igrala je izjemno pomembno vlogo pri oblikovanju modernih držav in mednarodne skupnosti, ki so se razvile iz številnih mednarodnih konfliktov. Z obdobjem relativnega globalnega miru po drugi svetovni vojni so vlogo oblikovalca logistike prevzela multinacionalna podjetja in mednarodne organizacije. Logistika je postala nosilec gospodarskega napredka. Današnje mednarodno trgovanje je osredotočeno na globalne trgovske tokove, uspešnost katerih je v večji meri povezana z izboljšavami na področju logistične infrastrukture in logističnih dejavnosti. Prihodnost logistike je tako tesno povezana z aktualnimi družbeno-političnimi temami, ki bodo oblikovale trgovske tokove prihodnosti. V pričujočem delu bomo spoznali razvoj logistične teorije in transportnih sredstev skozi zgodovino družbeno-političnih dogodkov. Analizirali bomo aktualne trgovske tokove in stopnjo razvoja logistike v največjih gospodarstvih na svetu. Na podlagi preteklega razvoja logistike in današnjega stanja večjih gospodarstev in logistike v njih bomo skušali predvideti logistične trende v prihodnosti. Logistics has always been tightly connected with the events in socio-political environment. It played an important role in the formation of modern states and international community, which have developed through numerous international conflicts. With a period of relative global peace after the second world war, the main designers of logistics have become multinational companies and international organizations. Logistics has become the bearer of economic progress. International commerce of today is focused on global trade flows, the success of which is largely connected with the improvements of the logistical infrastructure and logistical activities. The future of logistics is therefore tightly connected with the current socio-political topics, which will form the trade flows of the future. In the following work we shall get to know the development of the logistical theory and transport means throughout the history of socio-political events. We shall analyse current trade flows and the logistical performance index of the biggest economies in the world. On the basis of the past evolution of logistics and the current form of the largest economies and logistics within them, we shall try to predict the logistical trends of the future. |