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To diplomsko delo obravnava marketinško komuniciranje na medorganizacijskem trgu. V teoretičnem delu diplomske naloge sem opredelila medorganizacijski trg, marketinško komuniciranje ter splet marketinškega komuniciranja na tem trgu. S pomočjo strokovne literature sem ugotavljala, kako pomembna je uporaba posameznega instrumenta marketinškega komuniciranja na medorganizacijskem trgu. V praktičnem delu naloge pa sem predstavila podjetje X ter analizirala instrumente marketinškega komuniciranja, ki jih uporabljajo pri trženju frekvenčnih pretvornikov. Na podlagi ugotovitev sem podala predloge za izboljšanje marketinškega komuniciranja. Podjetje X pri komuniciranju s trgom uporablja vse instrumente marketinškega komuniciranja, pri tem pa upošteva teoretične smernice komuniciranja na medorganizacijskem trgu. Tako je v marketinško-komunikacijskem spletu podjetja X najpomembnejša osebna prodaja s svojo lastnostjo prilagajanja vsakemu posameznemu kupcu glede na njegove specifične potrebe. V okviru pospeševanja prodaje se podjetje v največji meri poslužuje sejmov, na katerih prihaja v stik s sedanjimi in potencialnimi kupci. Oglaševanje in odnosi z javnostmi sta v podjetju pomembna zaradi graditve prepoznavnosti podjetja in blagovne znamke, neposredno marketinško komuniciranje pa uporabljajo za vzdrževanje odnosov z obstoječimi in potencialnimi kupci ter za povečanje zanimanja za izdelek. This wording treats marketing communications in interorganizational market. Theoretical part defines interorganizational market, marketing communication and this market's marketing communications mix. Through literature, I considered how important is the use of each instrument of marketing communications in interorganizational market. Practical part presentes the company X, and analyses marketing communication tools used in marketing of frequency inverters. On the basis of the findings are given suggestions for its improvement. In the company X marketing-comunnication set is based on theoretical principles of interorganizational market because the management of the company uses all the instruments of marketing communication. Among the communication tools the company mostly uses personal selling with its ability to adopt to each single buyer according to his specific needs. Related to sales promotion the company exhibits its products on fairs. This way the company esthablishes the contact with current and potential buyers. The company also realyses the importance of advertising and public relations for building positive image and recognizability of the company and frequency inverters brand name. Direct marketing is used for maintaining relationships with customers and increasing interest for the product. |