Autor: Breznik, Martina
Přispěvatelé: Treven, Sonja
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Apače
Popis: Vedno večje zahteve trga, ekonomski trendi, tehnologija in filozofija vodstva k povečanju storilnosti, hitrega tempa življenja so pokazatelji, da se stres pojavlja na vseh področjih življenja posameznika, tudi na delovnem mestu. Namen raziskave je bil ugotoviti stopnjo stresa, ki ga managerji doživljajo pri svojem delu, identificirati stresorje, ki delujejo na delovnem mestu managerja ter ugotoviti morebitne razlike med spolom in starostjo ter doživljanjem z delom povezanega stresa pri managerjih. Prav tako je bil namen preučiti življenjski slog managerjev in ugotoviti, kako pogosto se slovenski managerji ukvarjajo s športno dejavnostjo. V raziskavo smo zajeli 95 managerjev naključno izbranih slovenskih podjetij. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da managerji, sodelujoči v raziskavi, svoje delo v povprečju ocenjujejo kot zmerno stresno, da nanje v povprečju najbolj stresogeno delujejo stresorji, ki so vezani na odnose s sodelavci in drugimi managerji, da ženske v povprečju svoje delo doživljajo bolj stresno od moških in da mlajši managerji pri svojem delu ne doživljajo višje stopnje stresa. Zdravo se prehranjuje le dobra četrtina vprašanih, s športno dejavnostjo pa se jih redno ukvarja 58%. Najpogostejše aktivnosti, s katerimi se ukvarjajo, so hitra hoja, kolesarjenje in smučanje, količino rekreativnega gibanja v zadnjem letu pa je povečalo 35% anketirancev. Increasing demands of the market, economic trends, technology and management philosophy to increase productivity and the pace of life are indicators that stress occurs in all areas of human life, including workplace. The purpose of the study was to determine the level of stress that managers experience in their work, to identify the stressors that occur in managers workplace and to determine any differences between gender and age and experience with work-related stress by managers. It was also intended to examine the lifestyle of managers and determine how often the Slovenian managers are involved in sport activities. In our study we randomly selected 95 managers from Slovenian companies. The results of the study have shown that, in average, the managers who participated in this study believe that their job involves a medium level of stress. They are most affected by the stressors concerning relationships with their colleagues and other managers. It was also established that women in average are experiencing their work more stressful than men and that the younger managers in their work do not experience higher level of stress. Only a quarter of respondents are eating healthy food and there are 58 % of the respondents who are regularly involved in sports activities. The most common activities with which they deal are brisk walking, cycling and skiing. The amount of recreational exercise during the last year has increased 35% of respondents.
Databáze: OpenAIRE