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POVZETEK Diplomsko delo obravnava pomen telesnih aktivnosti, predvsem vadbe v fitnes centru, pri oblikovanju turističnih preventivnih zdravstvenih programov. Telesna aktivnost in zdrav način življenja postajata čedalje bolj pomembna pri ohranjanju zdravja in dobrega počutja tudi v pozni starosti. V diplomskem delu so najprej predstavljene vrste telesnih aktivnosti, pomen vadbe v fitnesu in njenih zvrsti (individualna in skupinska vadba) ter se osredotoči na vadbo v fitnesu v turističnih programih. Individualna in skupinska vadba v fitnesu sta prisotni že daljše obdobje v različnih fitnes centrih ter studiih. Fitnes vadba, kot primarna aktivnost turističnih programov zdravstvene preventive, je na turističnem trgu relativno nov pojav. V primarni raziskavi smo med zdraviliškimi gosti ugotavljali, kolikšen pomen ima fitnes za udeležence turističnih programov, kateri dejavniki vplivajo na turiste, da se odločajo za turistične programe, ki vključujejo fitnes vadbo. Ugotovili sem, da koriščenje turističnih programov, ki vključujejo fitnes ni tako odzivno kot bi pričakovali in si želeli. The purpose of this thesis was to examine the importance of physical activity, especially fitness exercise, for the creation of tourist programs for health prevention. Physical activity and healthy lifestyle are becoming increasingly important for maintaining good health and general well-being, also in old age. The thesis introduces the types of physical activities, the importance and types of fitness exercises (individual and group exercises) and then focuses on fitness exercise in tourist programs. Individual and group fitness exercise is well established in various fitness centres and studios. However, fitness exercise as a primary activity of tourist programs for health prevention is a relatively new phenomenon in the tourist market. A primary research was conducted among health resort guests to discover the importance of fitness exercise in tourist programs and to identify the factors that influence the tourist’s decision to choose the tourist program which involves fitness exercise. The results revealed that the use of the tourist programs that involve fitness exercise is not as extensive as expected. |