Autor: Vrbovšek, Dušan
Přispěvatelé: Rijavec, Vesna
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2013
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V civilnopravnih razmerjih imajo upniki pogosto težave s poplačili svojih terjatev zaradi nespoštovanja obveznosti nasprotne stranke. Dolžnika je potrebno na nek način prisiliti k izpolnitvi obveznosti. Predstavil sem različne možnosti upnikov, kadar njihove terjatve temeljijo na izvršilnem naslovu, verodostojni listini, plačilnem nalogu ali kadar gre za terjatev, ki jo je potrebno izvršiti v drugi državi članici EU. V primeru čezmejne izvršbe sem se omejil na Evropski plačilni nalog. V primeru izvršbe na podlagi verodostojne listine so postopki poenostavljeni do te mere, da lahko, vsaj v prvem delu postopka, ki se lahko za upnika tudi uspešno zaključi s poplačilom terjatve, predlog za izvršbo vložijo tudi stranke, ki so sicer prava nevešče. Na drugi strani pa postopek dolžnikom omogoča pravna sredstva. Zakonodaja, tako nacionalna (slovenska) kot evropska (EU), s samo poenostavitvijo postopkov ne posega v pravice dolžnika do dokazovanja, da terjatev bodisi ne obstaja, ne obstaja v višini kot jo upnik navaja, ... V praksi se upniki, v nekaterih primerih, za izterjavo odločijo pooblastiti tretjo osebo. Pooblastilo je lahko dano tudi za dejanja pred vložitvijo predloga za izvršbo na sodišče. V diplomski nalogi je podrobneje predstavljen izvršilni postopek, različne možnosti upnika v postopku izvršbe glede sredstev izvršbe, iskanja dolžnikovega premoženja, ... V postopku izvršbe je upnik gospodar postopka. On je tisti, ki izbira sredstva izvršbe. Kljub temu pa dolžnik ni povsem prepuščen »samovolji« upnika. Predlaga lahko druga sredstva izvršbe, ob izpolnjevanju zakonskih pogojev, seveda pa lahko dolg tudi poplača. Poplačilo terjatve oziroma izpolnitev obveznosti je bistvo izvršilnega postopka. In civil law the creditors often have difficulties with the repayment of debts due to violation of legal obligations from the client. The debtor needs to be forced in some way to fulfil his formal duties. In my diploma paper I introduced several options the creditors can lean on when their debts are based on executive level, credible document and remittance slip or when it goes about the debt which is needed to be executed in other E.U. member state. In case of the cross border execution I put the main emphasis on the European remittance slip. In case of execution, based on credible document, the procedures are simplified to such extent that at least in the first part of the procedure, which can end successfully for the creditor with the repayment of the debt, the proposal for execution can be filed also by the clients inexperienced in law. On the other hand, the procedure allows the debtors to use all legal measures. The legislation with the simplification of procedures, the national (Slovenian) as well as European (E.U.), does not interfere in the debtor's rights to prove whether the debt really exists or exists in the same amount as the creditor states. In practice the creditors in some cases give the authorization to the third person for the recovery of the debts. The authorization can be also given for the acts before filing the execution proposal to the court of justice. In diploma paper I put the emphasis on the executive procedure and presented various options for the creditor in the procedure of means of execution, tracing the debtor's assets, etc. In the procedure of execution the creditor has the leading role. He is the one who chooses the means of execution. Despite that, the debtor is not at the mercy of 'autocracy' of the creditor. He can suggest other means of execution if he meets the demands of legal conditions. Or he can simply repay the debt. The repayment of the debt or fulfilling the obligations is the essence of executive procedure.
Databáze: OpenAIRE