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Osnovna teza magistrskega dela je, da so elektronski učbeniki (v nadaljevanju i-učbeniki) na nek način prihodnost našega izobraževalnega sistema. Vse bolj in bolj se že uveljavljajo in ni dvomiti, da jih v prihodnosti ne bi začeli masovno uporabljati tudi v slovenskih izobraževalnih ustanovah. V magistrskem delu smo prikazali rezultate raziskave oziroma razliko med naučenim po klasičnih tiskanih učbenikih različnih založb, katere se po večini uporablja po vseh slovenskih osnovnih šolah in novodobnim i-učbenikom. Natančneje smo proučili še uspešnost učencev glede na njihovo predznanje. Magistrsko delo je sestavljeno iz teoretičnega in empiričnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo na kratko predstavili osnovno znanje, vse od uporabe računalnika v izobraževanju do končnega produkta, torej i-učbenika. Predstavili smo nekaj osnov o i-učbenikih, kako so sestavljeni in kakšne vrste e-učbenikov poznamo. Za konec teoretičnega uvoda smo zapisali še paradigme geometrije in teorije konceptov s podobo. Predelali smo osnovno znanje s področja geometrijskih elementov, katerih znanje učencev smo preverjali v empiričnem delu. Osredotočili smo se predvsem na točko in daljico, premico in poltrak ter kako le-te poučevati v šoli. V empiričnem delu smo na konkretnem primeru pokazali, da so interaktivni e-učbeniki boljši za učenje kot klasični tiskani učbeniki. Tako smo najprej učencem v dveh paralelkah dali inicialni preizkus znanja, katerega so reševali natanko 38 minut. Z njim smo preverili splošno znanje učencev na področju matematike. Nato smo pet šolskih ur učence v eksperimentalni skupini (eni paralelki) poučevali geometrijske elemente (točka, daljica, premica in poltrak) s pomočjo i-učbenika. Medtem pa je v kontrolni skupini (drugi paralelki) potekal pouk usvajanja iste učne vsebine ravno tako v petih šolskih urah, vendar je razredna učiteljica učila po klasičnem tiskanem učbeniku. Na koncu so zopet v obeh paralelkah dobili enak končni preizkus, ki je pokazatelj naučenega v petih šolskih urah. The fundamental thesis of this master's thesis is the claim that digital textbooks (later referred to as e-textbooks) in a way present the future of our education system. The use of e-textbooks is on the rise and there's no doubt that in the future their use will also be widespread in Slovenian education institutions. In the master's thesis we presented research results showing the difference between learning by using traditional printed textbooks of various publishers, most often used in Slovenian primary schools, and learning through the use of modern e-textbooks. We have also studied success rates of students based on their background knowledge. The Master's thesis consists of the theoretical and empirical parts. The theoretical part includes a brief presentation of basic skills, from using a computer in education, all the way to the final product, a e-textbook. We introduced a few basic facts about e-textbooks, how they're drawn up and the different types of e-textbooks that exist. We concluded the theoretical introduction by recording the geometry parameters and the concept theory with an image. We studied the fundamental knowledge in the field of geometry elements and tested students' knowledge of the subject in the empirical part. We mainly focused on points and line segments, lines and half-lines, and how these should be taught in schools. In the empirical part, we used an actual example to show that the interactive e-textbooks are better suited for learning than the traditional printed textbooks. For this purpose, we first assessed students' knowledge in two parallel groups via an initial test, which took them 38 minutes to complete. With this test we checked the general level of students' knowledge in mathematics. We then taught students geometry elements for 5 classes in the experimental (one of the parallel groups) group (point, line segment, line and half-line) with the help of an e-textbook. Meanwhile, the control group (the other parallel group) had lessons on the same topic, also for 5 classes, but with teacher using the traditional printed textbook. At the end, both groups were presented with the final test which served as an indicator of what they learned in five classes. |