Autor: Banič, Igor
Přispěvatelé: Ferčič, Aleš
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V diplomskem delu si pogledamo nadnacionalni koncept storitve splošnega gospodarskega pomena, saj predstavlja v konkurenčnem pravu v zadnjih desetletjih eno najbolj burnih debat glede svoje definicije in umestitve v pravne rede posameznih držav članic EU, ki zaradi različnega razumevanja vloge države različno razumejo pojme, kot sta javna služba in javni interes. Znotraj diplomskega dela se v okviru obravnavane tematike državnih pomoči osredotočimo na podjetja, ki na podlagi posebnega akta (ali aktov) javne oblasti opravljajo dejavnosti, ki jih države članice v skladu s svojo diskrecijsko pravico pojmujejo pod nadnacionalni koncept storitve splošnega gospodarskega pomena in razložimo, zakaj tem podjetjem države članice naklonijo nadomestilo za opravljanje teh dejavnosti. Prav način dodelitve nadomestila, njegova narava in njegova velikost (med drugim) lahko na notranjem trgu Evropske unije izkrivlja konkurenco in vpliva na trgovino med dvema ali več državami članicami EU. Zato v nalogi predstavimo novi paket štirih aktov Evropske Komisije, ki urejajo področje teh nadomestil za opravljanje storitev splošnega gospodarskega pomena in povzamemo doprinos le-teh, pred tem se dotaknemo še državnih pomoči v smislu prvega odstavka 107. člena PDEU in izpostavimo izjeme, med njimi (za obravnavano tematiko diplomskega dela) najpomembnejšo izjemo iz drugega odstavka 106. člena PDEU. In this undergraduate thesis we take a look at the transnational concept of services of general economic interest as it is one of the most impetuous debate makers in the past few decades concerning its definition and placement in the national legislatives of the European Union member States as they define and understand terms like public service and public interest differently in each one, due to their different concepts on the role that the government plays (or had played) in the economy of the member state. Within the margins of the thesis concerning state aid we focus on the undertakings, which are entrusted by way of one or more official acts to operate certain activities, that the member States subsume under the transnational concept of services of general economic interest and we explain, why these undertakings receive compensation for the operation of these activities. It is the delivery method of this compensation, its nature and its amount (among other things) that may prevent, restrict or distort the competition within the common market of the EU and/or may affect the trade between two or more member States. This is why the thesis depicts the new package of four legal acts that the Commission of the European Union had passed, concerning the compensation given to undertakings that operate the services of general economic interest, afore that we explore the general prohibition of State aid as defined under Article 107(1) TFEU and we introduce the exceptions, among them (from our view point) the most important one pursuant to Article 106(2) TFEU.
Databáze: OpenAIRE