Comparison of virtual servers and Docker containers for the document text extraction on the example of the eArhiv of Pošta Slovenije

Autor: Hrastnik, Domen
Přispěvatelé: Verber, Domen
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V magistrskem delu smo predstavili področje virtualizacije strojne opreme. Opisali smo prednosti in slabosti uporabe strojne virtualizacije. V nadaljevanju smo opisali kontejnerske rešitve, ki so poseben tip virtualizacije strojne opreme. Opisali smo zgradbo in delovanje teh rešitev. Preučili smo prednosti in slabosti uporabe kontejnerskih rešitev. Pri kontejnerskih rešitvah smo posebej preučili platformo Docker. Zasnovali smo načrt eksperimenta, s katerim smo preizkusili performančne zmogljivosti virtualnega strežnika in Docker kontejnerja na realnem primeru izvlečenja besedila iz dokumentov za potrebe sistema eArhiv Pošte Slovenije. S postavljenimi metrikami smo lahko ocenili performančno ustreznost primerjanih rešitev za virtualizacijo strojne opreme. We have presented the area of hardware virtualization in the masters' thesis. We have described opportunities and weaknesses of hardware virtualization usage. In continuation, we have described the container solutions, which are a special type of hardware virtualization. We have also described the structure and working of these solutions. We have studied opportunities and weaknesses of the container solutions usage. Especially, we have researched the platform Docker. We have made an experiment plan to test performance abilities of the virtual server and Docker container on the real case of text extraction from the documents for the system eArchive Post of Slovenia needs. With the stated metrics, we were able to assess performance adequacy of the compared solutions for hardware virtualization solution.
Databáze: OpenAIRE