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Rast in razvoj podjetja je odvisna od mnogih notranjih in zunanjih dejavnikov. Namen diplomskega seminarja sta vpliva zunanjih dejavnikov na strateške odločitve v službi ključnih kupcev v podjetju Gorenje d.d. To so dejavniki, ki v podjetju Gorenje d.d. vplivajo na strateške odločitve ne samo pri odnosu do ključnih kupcev, pač pa pri vseh strateških odločitvah, ki jih v podjetju sprejmejo. Vpliv zunanjih dejavnikov na strateške odločitve managementa ključnih kupcev je velik. Podjetje Gorenje d.d. je v panogi kjer je konkurenca izredno močna. Potrebne so pravilne strateške odločitve, da se vplivi zunanjih dejavnikov izkoristijo in vplivajo na rast in razvoj podjetja. V diplomskem seminarju so zbrani ključni kupci v podjetju Gorenje d.d. Ključni kupci podjetja Gorenje d.d. morajo vzdrževati image, katerega si je podjetje v preteklosti že ustvarilo. Za ohranitev tržnih deležev na obstoječih trgih se je potrebno boriti. Zato so v podjetju Gorenje d.d. organizirali službo ključnih kupcev. V nalogi smo izoblikovali tudi poslovna področja. Poiskali smo strateške možnosti, ki jih podjetje Gorenje d.d. lahko izkoristi. S portfolio analizami smo ključne kupce po poslovnih področjih tudi vsebinsko analizirali, z vidika donosnosti in tveganosti naložb. Podjetje Gorenje d.d. mora s svojo rastjo in razvojem delovati tako, da uresničuje v prvi vrsti zastavljeno vizijo, da postane podjetje Gorenje d.d. s svojimi blagovnimi znamkami Gorenje, Atag, Mora, Pelgrim, Etna, Körting in Sidex pomemben prodajalec bele tehnike na evropskem trgu, kasneje tudi na bližnjem azijskem in daljno azijskem področju ter ostalem delu sveta. S prognozirano politiko podjetja mora izkoristiti bilančni potencial –povečati dobiček z namenom reinvestiranja v rast in razvoj službe ključnih kupcev v podjetju Gorenje d.d. Dosegati mora vedno znova inovativnost pri prodaji svojih izdelkov, asortiman prilagajati tržnim potrebam tudi tako, da se zapolnjujejo tržne praznine. The growth and development of the company depends on many internal and external factors. This graduation thesis deals with the influence of external factors on the strategic decisions in the service of key customers in the company Gorenje d.d. These are factors that in the company Gorenje d.d. affect the strategic decisions, not only in relation to key customers, but in all the strategic decisions adopted by the company. The impact of external factors on the strategic decisions of management of key customers is huge. The company Gorenje d.d. operates in the branch where competition is extremely strong. The right strategic decisions are needed in order to exploit the effects of external factors properly and make them affect the growth and development of the company. In this thesis the key customers in the company Gorenje, d.d. are presented. Those key customers shall maintain the image which the company has already created in the past. It is necessary to fight in order to keep the market share in the existing markets therefore the company Gorenje d.d. has organized Key customers service. In the thesis we formed business areas and we identified strategic options which the company Gorenje, d.d. can take advantage of. By means of portfolio analysis we analysed the key customers per business areas, in terms of profitability and risk of investments. With its growth and development the company Gorenje d.d. shall operate in such a mode to, firstly, realize its set vision to become, with its brands Gorenje, Atag, Mora, Pelgrim, Etna, Körting and Sidex, the most important seller of white goods in the European market, but later on also in the near and far Asian area and in the rest of the world as well. By means of prognostic policy the company shall take advantage of balance potential – it shall increase the profit with the purpose to reinvest in the growth and development of key customers in the company Gorenje d.d. Over and over again the company shall be innovative in selling its products and adapt its product range to market needs also by filling the market gaps. |