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Osnovna ideja sistema vodenja kakovosti je, da se v končnem izdelku ali storitvi odraža kakovost, ki je bila vključena v celoten proces izdelave izdelka oz. izvedbe storitve in da je to kakovost praviloma možno še izboljšati. K izboljšavam navadno privedeta ustvarjalnost in inovativnost, zato je pomembno, da v podjetju pri sledenju tej ideji ne kopirajo modelov vodenja kakovosti, ampak izberejo tistega, ki je zanje najprimernejši in ga implementirajo v celotni sistem poslovanja. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil raziskati problematiko skladiščenja v podjetju Biro Ogis in predlagati rešitve, ki so pogoj za pridobitev standarda ISO 9001, zato je najprej predstavljen posnetek obstoječega stanja, nato pa so na podlagi kritične analize opisane prednostne naloge, ki jih morajo izvesti v tem podjetju pri reorganizaciji skladišč in postopek, kako naj k temu pristopijo. Infrastrukturne spremembe, nakup dodatne strojne opreme in kadrovska širitev predstavljajo za podjetje večji finančni strošek, nekatera pridružena dela, kot so ureditev obstoječih skladišč in nove oznake transportnih poti pa so v primerjavi s koristmi, ki jih bodo prinesla, zanemarljiv strošek. Predvidevamo, da bo uvedba sistema kakovosti in pridobitev standarda ISO 9001 v podjetju Biro Ogis pripomogla k učinkovitejši komunikaciji na vseh nivojih, k znižanju stroškov, ohranitvi njihovih kupcev, širitvi poslovanja na zahtevnejše tuje trge in nenazadnje tudi k marketinški promociji. The basic idea of the system of quality management is the quality of the final product or service. This quality is included in the entire process of production and it can be even improved. Creativity and innovativeness are the usual key promoters of improvement and that is why it is important that a company following the idea does not simply copy models of quality management, but rather choses the most appropriate one. This model should then be implemented in the whole system of business performance. The goal of this diploma paper was to look into the storage issues in Biro Ogis and to offer solutions which are a necessary condition for the acquisition of the ISO 9001 standard. Firstly, the existing condition is presented and then the high priority tasks are described on the basis of a critical analysis. These tasks need to be carried out as part of reorganization of the warehouses the procedure of which is also described. Infrastructural changes, purchase of additional mechanical equipment and human resources expansion present higher expenses for the company. The costs of some of the accession works such as better arrangement of the existing warehouses and new marks for transport routes are negligible compared to the benefits they will provide. We expect that the implementation of the system of quality management and the acquisition of the ISO 9001 standard by Biro Ogis will help to improve the communication efficiency on all levels, that it will reduce expenses, that it will retain the customers and that it will help to expand business activities to more demanding foreign markets which includes a better marketing promotion. |