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Diplomsko delo prinaša pogled v teroristično dogajanje na italijanskih tleh po letu 1969. Predstavlja tako desničarski kot levičarski terorizem, ki sta zaznamovala povojno Italijo. Desničarski terorizem ima v Italiji daljšo zgodovino. Njegovi pripadniki so bili predvsem neofašisti, ki so bili prisotni v organih pregona, vojski in obveščevalnih službah. S terorističnimi akcijami in z umazano propagando so želeli preprečiti, da bi v Italiji prišle na oblast stranke levice. To je spoznal tudi Aldo Moro, čigar umor še vedno ni povsem razjasnjen. Levičarski terorizem pa je v Italiji novejšega datuma. Razvil se je iz študentskih uporov, ki so v sedemdesetih letih zajeli celotno Evropo. Najbolj znana levičarska teroristična organizacija so bile Rdeče brigade. Z oboroženim bojem so želeli vzpostaviti revolucionarno državo na marksističnih temeljih. Financirali so se z ropi bank, svoje cilje so uresničevali z atentati, s sabotažami, z ugrabitvami in umori. Vloga italijanskih obveščevalnih služb, ki naj bi nudile podporo predvsem desničarskim teroristom, pa še do danes ni znana. This thesis provides insight into the terrorist attacks in Italy after 1969. It represents both right-wing and left-wing terrorism in the post-war period. Right-wing terrorism has a longer history in Italy. It was caused by the neo-fascists, who were present in law enforcement, military and intelligence services. With the violent terrorist actions and the dirty propaganda they wanted to discredit communist parties at the elections. This was also experienced by Aldo Moro, who wanted to realize the Historic compromise. His murder is still obscure. Left-wing terrorism developed in 1970 from student movements in Europe. The most known dominant and violent group in Italy were the Red Brigades. They wanted to collapse the capitalist regime and build a new revolutionary state on Marxist ideology through the use of armed struggle. The organisation was financed by bank robberies and they pursued their goals through assassinations, sabotage, kidnappings and murders. The role of the Italian intelligence services, which should provide support to the right-wing terrorists is still unknown. |