Autor: Sluga, Martina
Přispěvatelé: Friš, Darko
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Vzdolž reke Save se v občini Krško v notranjost gričev in hribovij razprostira Župnija Brestanica. Reka Sava je župnije v občini Krško razdelila med celjsko in novomeško nadškofijo. Brestaniška spada k prvi. Glavna župnijska cerkev Bazilika Lurške Matere Božje stoji na griču sredi trga Brestanica, k župniji pa sodi še 9 podružničnih cerkva, in to tri v Brestanici: Cerkev svetega Boštjana, Cerkev svetega Petra in Pavla, Cerkev svetega Mohorja ter na Armeškem Cerkev svetega Križa, na Gorici Cerkev Svetega Duha, na Rožnem Cerkev svetega Kancijana, v Gorenjem Leskovcu Cerkev svetega Antona, na Pokleku Cerkev vseh Svetnikov in v Stranjah Cerkev svetega Ahaca. Zgodovino posameznega kraja najpogosteje zaznamuje človek in njegovo delo. Kakšni so bili običaji in navade ljudi v preteklosti, nam pogosto ostajajo neznanka in večkrat se sprašujemo, kako so dejansko živeli naši predniki. Odsev zgodovine prebivalstva na določenem območju lahko dobimo tudi iz cerkvenih matičnih knjig, ki podrobno opisujejo rojstva, poroke in smrti v posameznih župnijah. Matične knjige so začeli pisati že v srednjem veku, najstarejše na Slovenskem pa izhajajo iz primorja. Piran je imel rojstno knjigo od leta 1458 dalje, Izola pa od leta 1506. Prve matične knjige so zapisovali v latinskem jeziku. V diplomski nalogi je podrobno predstavljeno prebivalstvo Župnije Brestanica v letih 1919 – 1929 na podlagi rojstne, poročne in smrtne matične knjige. Prvi del naloge zajame opis cerkva, ki so v župniji ter kratko zgodovino prebivalstva in območja, ki ga je dogajanje v preteklosti močno zaznamovalo. Najobsežnejši drugi del diplomske naloge zajame analizo rojstne knjige, kjer so analizirani podatki o številu rojstev po spolu, po posameznih letih, po posameznih mesecih, po vaseh, število krstov ter najpogostejša ženska in moška imena. V tem delu je opisana in analizirana tudi poročna knjiga župnije – število porok po letih, mesecih, starost ženina in neveste v času poroke ter socialni položaj parov in prič. V smrtni knjigi sem poiskala in analizirala podatke o številu smrti po posameznih letih, po posameznih mesecih, po vaseh ter vzroke, ki so pripeljali do smrti in starost umrlega ob smrti. Vsi številski podatki so predstavljeni v tabelah, za lažje razumevanje so opremljeni z grafi in podrobno analizo. On the banks of the Sava River in the Municipality of Krško, between hills and mountains the parish of Brestanica is situated. The Sava River divided the parishes in the Municipality of Krško into Celje and Novo Mesto archdioceses. Brestanica belongs to the former. The main parish church Basilica of Our Lady of Lourdes is situated at the top of a hill, in the centre of Brestanica square. Nine other succursal churches belong to the parish, three of which are in Brestanica: Church of St Sebastian Church of St Peter in Paul Church of St Mohor, and also Churh of the Holy Cross in Armeško, Church of the Holy Ghost in Gorica, Church of St. Cantianus in Rožno, Church of St. Anthony in Gornji Leskovec, All Saints Church in Poklek The history of a specific place is mainly determined by people and their work. The customs and habits of people in the past are often unknown and we frequently wonder how our ancestor lived. The information about history of the population in a given area can be seen in a civil register which describes births, marriages and deaths in individual parishes in detail. Civil registers date all the way back to the Middle Ages, and the oldest registers in Slovenia are found in the coastal region. Piran has a register of births since 1458 and Izola since 1506. The earliest civil registers were written in Latin. This diploma paper presents in detail the population of the parish of Brestanica in the years 1919 – 1929, based on the register of births, marriages and deaths. The first part of this diploma paper includes the description of churches in the parish, a short history of population and the area, which was strongly influenced by various events. The second, largest, part of the paper includes the analysis of the register of births, where information on the number of births divided by gender, years, months, villages, the number of baptisms, and the most common female and male names. The register of marriages of the parish is also analysed – the number of marriages per year and month, age of bride and groom in the time of the marriage, and also the social status of couples and best men. In the register of deaths, I have found and analysed information about the number of deaths by years, months, villages, causes of death and the age of the deceased. Numeric data is presented in tables, and graphs and detailed analyses are added for better understanding.
Databáze: OpenAIRE