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Samo urejeni sistemi, kjer so pravila natančno določena, so praviloma uspešni na dolgi rok, določitev pravil pa je zgolj prvi korak. Dogovorjena pravila brez sledenja ter opozarjanja na morebitna nimajo nikakeršnega pomena, saj se jih brez nadzorovanja sčasoma nihče ne bo več držal. Zato je naloga kontrolinga, da z notranjimi kontrolami spremlja posamezne faze poslovnega procesa. V družbi Kovinar trgovina, d. o. o., Kočevje, ki po klasifikaciji po ZGD-1 spada med male družbe, nimamo osebe, ki bi skrbela za funkcijo kontrolinga, vendar je vseeno potreba po zagotavljanju skladnosti in smotrnosti poslovanja, zato smo znotraj finančne funkcije družbe morali narediti kompromis. Kako to počnemo in kakšne so koristi in spoznanja iz tega procesa, smo opisali v diplomskem delu. As a rule, only clearly defined regulated systems are successful in the long term. However, determination of the rules themselves is just the first step. They are unimportant and nobody will follow them if they are not being tracked or if nobody points out deviations from the agreed rules. Therefore, controllership has a task to internally monitor each phase of the business process. In the company Kovinar trgovina, d.o.o., Kočevje, which is a smaller company, we don't have a person who performs the function of controllership, but nevertheless there is a need to ensure compliance and rationality of business operations. This is why we had to make a compromise within the financial functions of the company. In my thesis we described this process and presented the benefits and findings from the process. |