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Namen diplomske naloge je bil validirati: metodo za določitev masnega deleža HCl v vzorcih klorovodikove kisline in metodo za določitev masnega deleža NaOH v vzorcih natrijevega hidroksida z uporabo avtomatskega titratorja in potenciometrično indikacijo končne točke. Pri postopku validacije smo preverili: linearnost, ponovljivost, obnovljivost, točnost in robustnost preskusnih metod. Po izbiri ustreznih validacijskih parametrov smo izvedli eksperimente in potrdili primernost metod za predvideno uporabo ter ovrednotili merilno negotovost rezultata določitev masnega deleža HCl in NaOH. Ugotovili smo, da je postopek določitve masnega deleža HCl in NaOH v vzorcih klorovodikove kisline in natrijevega hidroksida primeren za predvideno vsakodnevno in rutinsko uporabo. Z validacijo smo dokazali, da sta preskusni metodi natančni, točni, linearni in robustni. V sklepnem delu diplomske naloge smo indentificirali vse izvore merilne negotovosti in s pomočjo modelnih enačb izračunali razširejeno merilno negotovost. In this undergraduate thesis, two potentiometric methods are validated: the method for the determination of the HCl mass fraction in hydrochloric acid samples and the method for the determination of NaOH mass fraction in sodium hydroxide samples. Automatic titration and potentiometric definition of the endpoint. were used for the validation. Linearity, repeatability, reproducibility, accuracy in robustness of testing methods were examined in the validation process. After selecting the appropriate validation parameters, experiments were carried out and the suitability the methods was confirmed. The measurement uncertainty of the result of the mass fraction results HCl and NaOH was evaluated. We found out that the procedure for the determination of the HCl and NaOH mass fraction in hydrochloric acid and sodium hydroxide samples is suitable for the intended use. The validation showed that both test methods are precise, exact, linear and robust. All measurement uncertainty sources were identified/determined and with the use of model equasions, extended measurement uncertainty was calculated. |