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V diplomski nalogi z naslovom Vloga lutke pri otrokovi simbolni igri smo se v teoretičnem delu osredotočili na lutke in igro. Uvodoma smo izpostavili pojmovanja in opise različnih avtorjev, kaj lutka je. Poleg tega smo različna pojmovanja in opise iskali v različnih jezikih. Najobsežnejše poglavje teoretičnega dela je namenjeno pregledu različnih vrst lutk, kjer smo se osredotočili predvsem na opis posamezne lutke kot tudi na pomen lutke za predšolskega otroka. Spregovorili smo tudi o uporabi lutke v vrtcu, o lutkovnem kotičku in metodah dela z lutkami. Teoretični del zaključujemo z obsežnejšim poglavjem, kjer smo se osredotočili na igro predšolskih otrok. Opredelili smo pomen igre, ugotavljali, kakšen namen in vpliv ima igra na otroka, ter našteli različne vrste igre, pri čemer smo se podrobneje osredotočili na simbolno igro. V empiričnem delu diplomske naloge so predstavljeni rezultati raziskave, opravljene na vzorcu 20. strokovnih delavk zaposlenih v Vrtcu Anice Černejeve Celje. V uvodu so nas zanimali splošni podatki anketirank (starost, izobrazba, delovna doba ipd.). Kasneje nas je zanimalo, kako uporabljajo lutkovne kotičke v svojih skupinah, katere vrste lutk imajo otroci na razpolago, po katerih najpogosteje posegajo v samem vzgojnem procesu, ali na igro z lutko vpliva otrokova starost, spol, notranja motivacija. Empirični del diplomske naloge zaključujemo z analizo pridobljenih podatkov in potrditvami zastavljenih hipotez. In the theoretical part of the thesis entitled The role of a puppet in a child’s symbolic play, we focused on puppets and play. As a preliminary point, we highlighted the conceptions and descriptions of various authors as to what a puppet is. In addition, we looked for different conceptions and descriptions in different languages. The most extensive chapter of the theoretical part is dedicated to the review of different types of puppets, where we focused especially on the description of each puppet and also on the importance of puppets for a preschool child. A little something will be done on the use of puppets in the kindergarten, the puppet corner and methods of work with puppets. The theoretical part is concluded with another extensive chapter, where we focused on the play of preschool children. We defined the importance of play, established what the purpose and the effect of play on a child are, and listed different types of play, focusing in detail on symbolic play. In the empirical part of the thesis, we presented the results of the research carried out on a sample of 20 professional workers, employed in the kindergarten Anica Černej Celje. At the beginning, we were interested in general data about the respondents (age, education, period of employment etc.). Later on, we wanted to know how they make use of puppet corners in their groups, what kind of puppets are at the disposal for children to use, which puppets they use most frequently in the educational process, do the child’s age, gender, intrinsic motivation affect the play with the puppet. The empirical part of the thesis is concluded with the analysis of the obtained data and the confirmation of the set hypotheses |