Placement of the Fountain »Green gold« into Existing Tourist Offer of Lower Savinja Valley

Autor: Virant, Pavel
Přispěvatelé: Iršič, Matjaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: Turizem v zadnjem času in v globalnem merilu postaja vse pomembnejša gospodarska panoga, prav zaradi tega Slovenija kot turistična država želi ponuditi turistu kakovostno in raznoliko turistično ponudbo. Naravne ter kulturne lepote je potrebno negovati in razvijati skladno z lokalno marketinško zgodbo. Mesta poskušajo najti nove izdelke in storitve, ki bodo za turista zanimive. To je naredila Spodnja Savinjska dolina z ekstravagantno idejo o Fontani piva Zeleno zlato, ki se je uresničila v jeseni 2016. Diplomski projekt se v teoretičnem delu osredotoča na opredelitev definicije turista, turizma, turističnega izdelka ter vpliva turizma na gospodarstvo, v empiričnem delu pa na obstoječo turistično ponudbo Spodnje Savinjske doline ter turistične izdelke znamke Zeleno zlato. Z izvedeno anketo smo ugotavljali koliko anketiranci poznajo obstoječo turistično ponudbo v Spodnji Savinjski dolini, kakšno pomembnost pripisujejo vlaganju v turizem v prihodnosti in kakšen vpliv menijo, da ima fontana Zeleno zlato na turizem. Pri obdelavi ankete smo prišli do ugotovitev, da je fontana Zeleno zlato najbolj poznan turistični izdelek v Spodnji Savinjski dolini. Večina anketirancev je mnenja, da je vlaganje sredstev v turizem pomembno in da je fontana Zeleno zlato pozitivno vplivala na dosedanji turizem v Spodnji Savinjski dolini. Tourism has in recent times become an increasingly important industry on a global scale, which is why Slovenia, as a tourist country, wants to offer a quality and diverse tourist offer to tourists. Natural and cultural beauties need to be nurtured and developed according to the local marketing story. Cities are trying to find new products and services that will be interesting for the tourist. This was done by the Lower Savinja valley with an extravagant idea about the Fountain of beer, Green Gold, which was realized in the autumn of 2016. The theoretical part focuses on the definition of tourist, tourism, tourist product and the impact of tourism on the economy, and in the empirical part we focus on the existing tourist offer of the Lower Savinja valley and tourist products of the Green gold brand. We conducted a survey to find out how many respondents know the existing tourist offer in the Lower Savinja Valley, what importance they attach to investment in tourism in the future and what impact they believe has the Green gold fountain on tourism. When processing the survey, we came to the conclusion that the fountain Green Gold is the most famous tourist product in Lower Savinja valley. Most respondents believe that investing funds in tourism is important and that the Green gold fountain has had a positive impact on the current tourism in the Lower Savinja Valley.
Databáze: OpenAIRE