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In Slovenia, many companies try to avoid bankruptcy with the introduction of a compulsory settlement procedure, but only a handful of companies successfully complete the compulsory settlement in the sense of a final repayment of creditors in accordance with the adopted financial restructuring plan. The article identified the factors affecting the confirmation of a compulsory settlement as well as the factors affecting the final repayment of creditors and, thus, permanently eliminated the causes of insolvency. The factors were divided into internal and external, whereby the impact of factors on a successfully completed compulsory settlement was verified using quantitative and qualitative research methods. V Sloveniji se veliko podjetij poskuša izogniti stečaju z uvedbo postopka prisilne poravnave, vendar le peščica od njih prisilno poravnavo uspešno zaključi v smislu dokončnega poplačila upnikov s skladu s sprejetim načrtom finančnega prestrukturiranja. V članku smo opredelili tiste dejavnike, ki vplivajo na potrditev prisilne poravnave, in tudi tiste, ki vplivajo na dokončno poplačilo upnikov in s tem trajno odpravo vzrokov insolventnosti. Dejavnike smo razdelili na notranje in zunanje, njihov vpliv na uspešno dokončano prisilno poravnavo pa preverili s kvantitativnimi in kvalitativnimi metodami raziskovanja. |