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Diplomsko delo opisuje in predstavlja razvoj prototipne rešitve za planiranje in evidentiranje sprememb v informacijski infrastrukturi. Navedena so orodja in tehnologije Oracle APEX, Oracle Database, SQL in PL/SQL jeziki ter Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler, ki smo jih uporabili pri izdelavi spletne aplikacije. Osnova rešitve je ustrezno zgrajen podatkovni model. Diplomska naloga je razdeljena na 4 poglavja: uvod, predstavitev uporabljenih orodij in tehnologij, razvoj prototipne rešitve in zaključek. V uvodnem delu opredelimo problemsko stanje, namen in cilje rešitve. Podamo predpostavke in omejitve, ki smo jih določili in predvideli, ter metode dela, ki smo jih uporabili za izdelavo prototipne rešitve. Pri predstavitvi uporabljenih orodij in tehnologij podamo kratek teoretični pregled namena in uporabe posamezne tehnologije. Izgradnjo podatkovnega modela, razvoj in opis aplikacije podajamo v poglavju izdelava prototipne rešitve. Na koncu sledi zaključek s podanimi sklepnimi ugotovitvami. The thesis topic is development of a prototype solution for planning and recording of modifications in an information infrastructure. Tools and technologies used to make the web application are Oracle APEX, Oracle Database, SQL and PL/SQL languages and Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler. The basic solution is an adequately constructed data model. The thesis is divided into 4 chapters: introduction, presentation of the used tools and technologies, development of the prototype solution and the conclusion. In the introduction we define the problem situation, purpose and aims of the solution. We give the defined and foreseen assumptions and restrictions and explain the used work methods. Introducing the used tools and technologies, we also give a brief theoretic overview of the purpose and application of a singular technology. Building of information model, development and description of the application are described in the chapter: Development of Prototype Solution. In the conclusion of the thesis, we give the final findings. |