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V okviru doktorske disertacije je predstavljen razvoj eksperimentalne robotske celice, ki je zmožna pozicioniranja s submikrometrsko natančnostjo. Robotska celica temelji na petih PiezoLEGS® motorjih, od katerih dva izmed njih formirata X/Y manipulator, ostali trije pa služijo kot podajalne mizice po Z osi. Konvencionalne izvedbe krmilnikov za vodenje PiezoLEGS® motorjev ne omogočajo avtomatske adaptacije parametrov gibanja motorja. Gibanje v visoki resoluciji botruje nizkim hitrostim, kar ob gibanju manipulatorja na daljše razdalje privede do velike potratnosti časa. Disertacija obravnavana adaptivno položajno vodenje robotske celice s konvencionalnem krmilnikom Trinamic TMC-090, ki je dodelan tako, da omogoča avtomatsko adaptacijo parametrov vodenja. Tri klasične tehnike položajnega vodenja so nadgrajene z adaptacijskim algoritmom in preizkušene v okviru testa odziva na stopnico in testa sledenja trajektoriji. Predstavljeni sistem robotske celice je zgrajen fleksibilno in omogoča integracijo različnih orodij. Kot praktični primer uporabe takega sistema je prikazana izvedba manipulacije z vakuumskim in piezoelektričnim prijemalom, ter mikroskopiranje z Akiyama sondo. The doctor thesis presents the development of an experimental robotic cell, capable of positioning with submicrometer resolution. Robotic cell is based on five PiezoLEGS® motors, where two of them form an X/Y manipulator and the other three serve as serving tables within Z axis. Conventional controllers for PiezoLEGS® motors do not allow automatic adaptation of parameters of motor motion. High-resolution robotic moves are performed at very low speeds. This makes long distance robotic moves very time consuming. The theses dealt with adaptive position control of robotic cell, based on the conventional controller Trinamic TMC-090, which is reconstructed in such a way, that it allows automated parameter adaptation. Three classical techniques of position control are extended by the adaptation algorithm and tested according to step response and the trajectory tracking test. Presented robotic cell is built flexible and allows the integration of different robotic tools. As a practical example of use, of such a system, a manipulation with the vacuum and piezoelectric gripper is shown. Scanning principle with Akiyama probe is also presented. |