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V 21. stoletju smo priča razmahu tehnološkega razvoja in s tem vedno novim napravam in programom, ki so za podjetja vedno bolj pomembna, da jih spoznajo in ohranijo svoj položaj na trgu. Poleg vseh teh programov, ki pripomorejo k uspešnemu in lažjemu delovanju programov, so tudi programi, ki škodujejo računalnikom, podjetjem, prikrijejo podatke, omogočajo dostop do podatkov osebam, ki naj ne bi vedeli za te podatke. S temi programi, ki so nastali v sodobnem svetu, lahko tuji ljudje namerno zlorabijo druga ranljiva omrežja, prevzamejo tujo identiteto, si prilastijo nedovoljena gesla in to je precejšen problem sodobnega sveta. In the 21st century, we are witnessing an expansion of technological development and thus always new devices and programs that are becoming increasingly important for companies, to get to know them and maintain their position on the market. In addition to all these programs that contribute to the successful and easy operation of programs, programs that harm computers, businesses, cancel data, allow access to data to people who do not know about these data. With these programs created in the modern world, foreign people can deliberately abuse other vulnerable networks, take on a foreign identity, hack and gain unauthorized passwords, and this is a considerable problem of the modern world. |