Autor: | Lešnik Potočnik, Suzana |
Přispěvatelé: | Bobek, Samo |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2013 |
Předmět: |
čelni in zaledni CRM sistemi
analitični CRM CRM procesi operational CRM analytical CRM implementacija CRM operativni CRM CRM strategija organizacijski CRM e-založništvo front and back office CRM systems CRM targets publishing CRM strategy udc:659.2 modeli CRM gradniki CRM založništvo cilji CRM CRM metrike CRM vision CRM implementation customers blocks of CRM e-publishing CRM tehnologija CRM CRM metrics odjemalci CRM processes CRM technology CRM models CRM vizija organizational CRM CRM information Založba Obzorja CRM informacije |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Zaradi hitrih sprememb v podjetniškem poslovnem okolju in vse ostrejše konkurence znotraj posameznih panog predstavlja prilagodljivost, inovativnost in usmerjenost na stranke ključno konkurenčno prednost podjetja. Učinkovito orodje za uresničitev navedene usmerjenosti predstavlja strateška usmeritev podjetja, imenovana tudi upravljanje odnosov s strankami in jo označujemo s kratico CRM. CRM zadeva celotno podjetje, omogoča optimizacijo dobička in zadovoljstva strank ter združuje vse poslovne funkcije podjetja. Namen naloge je proučiti upravljanje odnosov s strankami znotraj podjetja, ki uresničuje CRM in opredeliti teoretična izhodišča implementacije CRM rešitve v podjetje, nato pa pridobljena spoznanja uporabiti na primeru konkretnega podjetja. Cilj naloge je prikazati proces implementacije, ugotoviti koristi, ki jih CRM podjetju prinaša ter opozoriti na ključne dejavnike uspešne implementacije ter na prednosti in pomanjkljivosti uporabe CRM. Potek raziskave zajema pregled razpoložljive literature v knjižnicah, na spletu in v bazah strokovnih člankov, zbiranje internih podatkov ter razgovor z zaposlenimi v izbranem podjetju. Gre za poslovno raziskavo, uporabljen je deskriptivni pristop. Empirično-raziskovalni del temelji na metodi interpretacije primarnega vira podatkov ter na metodi indukcije. Na osnovi zastavljenih metod so postavljeni tudi sklepni zaključki. V okviru teoretičnega dela naloge so postavljena teoretična izhodišča glede sistema CRM. Ugotavljamo, da CRM predstavlja učinkovito orodje, ki odjemalce postavlja v središče vseh poslovnih funkcij podjetja, zajema usklajevanje poslovne podjetniške vizije, poslovne strategije, prilagajanje organizacijske kulture podjetja, prenovo poslovnih procesov in podatkovnih baz ter informacijske tehnologije. Vzpostavitev in ohranjanje dolgoročnih odnosov z odjemalci prinaša korist tako odjemalcem kot podjetju: prvim prinaša največjo možno zadovoljstvo, drugem pa ustvarjanje čim večjega možnega dobička. V praktičnem delu naloge so teoretična izhodišča in ugotovitve uporabljena v praksi na primeru založniškega podjetja Založba Obzorja. Izhajajoč iz splošne vizije podjetja je bila podana konkretna CRM vizija. Na osnovi CRM vizije je bil narejen oris CRM strategije ter zastavljene metrike za ugotavljanje uspešnosti CRM koncepta. Uvedba sistema CRM zahteva tudi spremembo organizacijske kulture podjetja, pri tem pa ključno vlogo odigra zadovoljstvo zaposlenih znotraj podjetja. Narejena je bila analiza obstoječega prodajnega procesa in pripravljen predlog zamenjave le-tega z vključitvijo sistema CRM. Predlagana je bila CRM arhitektura v obravnavanem podjetju. Podan je bil okviren predlog CRM glede na obstoječo ERP rešitev, vendar je ostalo odprto vprašanje glede primernosti predlagane CRM rešitve, saj v okviru naloge ni bila opravljena analiza obstoječih CRM programskih rešitev na trgu. Prav tako so bili podani konkretni vplivi CRM na poslovne funkcije in pričakovani učinki uvedbe sistema CRM v obravnavano podjetje. Due to the rapid changes in the corporate business environment and intense competition within all sectors of the economy, represents flexibility, innovation and focus on a customer key competitive advantage in business company. Effective tool in achieving that orientation is a strategic direction of the company, also known as a customer relationship management and is known by the abbreviation CRM. CRM concerns the whole company and allows optimization of profits and customer satisfaction as well as integrates all business functions of the company. The purpose of this thesis is to examine customer relationship management within the company that uses CRM, to identify the theoretical basis of the implementation of CRM solutions in the company, and to use gained knowledge on a case of an actual company. The aim of the thesis is to present the implementation process, to identify the benefits that CRM brings to the company and to outline the key factors of successful implementation as well as the advantages and disadvantages of using CRM. The thesis provides an overview of the available research literature in libraries, online databases and professional articles, internal data collection and interviews with employees in the chosen company. This is a business research in which the descriptive approach was being used. The empirical part of the research is based on the interpretation of the primary data source and on the method of induction. On the basis of the set methods the final conclusions are positioned. In the theoretical part of the thesis, theoretical bases of a CRM system are set. We find that CRM is an effective tool which puts customers at the center of all business functions in a company and includes coordination of business entrepreneurial vision, business strategy, adjustment of organizational culture of the company and renovation of business processes, databases and information technology. Establishing and maintaining long-term relationships with customers brings the benefit to both customers and the company: to costumers it brings the greatest possible satisfaction and creates the greatest possible profit to the company. In the practical part the theoretical background and findings are used in practice in the case of publishing company Založba Obzorja. Starting from a general vision of the company specific CRM vision was given. Based on the CRM vision an outline of CRM strategy was made and the metrics for evaluating the performance of the CRM concept were set. The implementation of a CRM system requires a change in the organizational culture of the company, employee satisfaction within the company playing one of the essential parts. The analysis of the existing sales process was made and the proposition of system including CRM was prepared. CRM architecture was proposed in this company. A basic proposal of CRM was presented according to existing ERP solution, however it is unsure whether the proposed CRM solution is adequate, since it was not the aim of this thesis to analyse the existing CRM software solutions on the market. Specific effects of CRM on business functions and expected effects of the implementation of a CRM system in the studied case were furthermore presented in the thesis. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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