Passing of risk from seller to the buyer in the international contracts: case law analysis
Autor: | Vajnhandl, Tomaž |
Přispěvatelé: | Kranjc, Vesna |
Jazyk: | slovinština |
Rok vydání: | 2019 |
Předmět: |
Delivery of Goods
prehod nevarnosti naključnega uničenja Damages to the Goods Examination of the Goods pregled blaga INCOTERMS 2010 Incoterms 2020 dobava blaga Dunajska konvencija kršitev pogodbe udc:347.44(043.3) poškodbe na blagu Risk of Loss or Damages Breach of Contract Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods |
Zdroj: | Maribor |
Popis: | Prehod nevarnosti naključnega uničenja oz. poškodovanja je pomembna sestavina kupoprodajne pogodbe. Pravila o prehodu nevarnosti nam povedo, katera izmed strank pogodbe odgovarja za škodo, ki je nastala, čeprav nobena izmed strank ni zakrivila poškodbe. Pri mednarodni prodaji ima ključno vlogo pri urejanju Dunajska konvencija o mednarodni prodaji blaga, ki jo je v svoj pravni red prenesla večina neodvisnih držav. Dunajska konvencija določa več pravil, kdaj se prehod nevarnosti zgodi. Načeloma je prehod nevarnosti vezan na dobavo blaga. Po dobavi za naključno uničenje odgovarja kupec, razen v primeru, ko je uničenje oz. poslabšanje blaga posledica ravnanja ali opustitve prodajalca. V kolikor želi kupec ohraniti pravne zahtevke zoper prodajalca, mora aktivno ravnati. Poleg dolžnosti, da blago ohranja in preprečuje njegovo poslabšanje, mora blago takoj (čimprej) pregledati ali naročiti njegov pregled in o vseh napakah natančno in hitro obvestiti prodajalca. Sodišča so v primerih pravilnega pregleda in grajanja blaga dokazno breme že tudi prevalile na prodajalca. Vrnitev blaga v bistveno enakem stanju je ena izmed zahtev Dunajske konvencije tako v primerih, ko prodajalec ni dobavil primernega blago kot v primerih, ko ima kupec do prodajalca zahtevke zaradi naključnega uničenja oz. poškodovanja blaga. V mednarodnem prometu blaga stranke v svoje pogodbe zelo pogosto vključujejo klavzule, ki določajo določene sestavine prevozne pogodbe. Med temi sestavinami so tudi pravila, ki urejajo prehod nevarnosti. Najbolj razširjene trgovinske klavzule so klavzule Incoterms. Trenutno so še v veljavi klavzule Incoterms 2010. 1. 1. 2020 bodo v veljavo stopila pravila Incoterms 2020, ki jih stranke, z izrecnim sklicevanjem, lahko uporabijo že danes. Vseh enajst klavzul Incoterms 2010 oz. Incoterms 2020 prehod nevarnosti povezuje z dobavo. Kadar stranki v pogodbo vključita določeno klavzulo Incoterms, ta prevlada nad določili Dunajske konvencije o prehodu nevarnosti. Klavzule Incoterms zelo natančno urejajo prehod nevarnosti, zato se določbe Dunajske konvencije glede instituta prehoda nevarnosti praviloma v celoti umaknejo pravilom iz klavzul Incoterms. O popolni izključitvi Dunajske konvencije glede prehoda nevarnosti vseeno ne moremo govoriti, ko je v pogodbo vključena določena klavzula Incoterms. Dunajska konvencija tudi v primeru, ko je v pogodbo klavzula Incoterms vključena, vsaj teoretično še zmeraj, ureja prehod nevarnosti in dodatno regulira položaj kupca in prodajalca. Čeprav so primeri, ko je Dunajska konvencija dopolnili pravila Incoterms, zelo redki. Risk of loss or damages is an important component in the contract of sale. The rules on the risk of loss tell us which of the contractual party is responsible for damages that occur when non of the contractual parties is liable for the consequences. A key role in the international sale of goods represent The United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (Vienna Convention). Most of the independent states implemented the convention into their international law system. Vienna convention has different rules for passing of risk, but they are all connected with the delivery of the goods. After the delivery, the buyer is liable for the risk of loss or damages, unless the loss or damages are caused by seller's act or omission. If the buyer wants to maintain the legal claims against the seller, he must be active. In addition to the duty to mitigate lost, he must examine the goods promptly (as soon as possible) or he must order for the goods to be examined, and then he must accurately and promptly notify the seller of all the defects on the goods. In the cases of the correct examination and notification the courts have sometimes shifted the burden of proof form the buyer to the seller. Return of the goods in the condition in which the buyer received them is the requirement of the convention if the buyer wants to use one of the remedies because of the risk of loss or damages. In the international sales of goods, the parties often include clauses in their contracts that specify certain elements of the contract of carriage. These clauses include rules for passing of risk. The most common used trade clauses are the ICC Incoterms clauses. Currently in force are the Incoterms 2010. With 1. 1. 2020 the Incoterms 2020 will enter into force. With explicit reference, the party of the contracts, can already apply the rules today. of Incoterms are becoming valid. All the 11 Incoterms clauses connect passing of risk to the delivery, just like the Vienna convention does. When parties include the Incoterms clause in the contract, they prevail over the provisions of the risk of loss in the Vienna convention. The Incoterms clauses regulate the passing of risk in a very detailed way howevey, we can not say that the Incoterms clauses completely exclude the provisions of the Vienna convention on the risk of loss. Even when the parties include the Incoterms clause in the contract the provision of the Vienna convention are still theoretically applicable and in addition regulate the position of the buyer and the seller, but the cases before the courts are very rare. |
Databáze: | OpenAIRE |
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