The model of reengineering and information support of the variant order process

Autor: Koci, Stanislav
Přispěvatelé: Kern, Tomaž
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Maribor
Popis: V današnjem času se podjetja soočajo s hitrimi in nepredvidljivimi spremembami poslovnega okolja, ki od njih zahtevajo učinkovito prilagajanje željam in potrebam kupcev. Za zagotavljanje učinkovitega poslovanja morajo nenehno izboljševati poslovne procese in jih podpreti z najsodobnejšimi integriranimi informacijskimi sistemi. Učinkovitost poslovanja je nujen, ne pa tudi zadosten pogoj za uspešnost poslovanja. V magistrskem delu je predstavljen prenovljen in v praksi preverjen model procesa variantnega naročanja, ki povezuje procese od pridobitve naročila do dobave in montaže blaga končnemu kupcu. Magistrsko delo je razdeljeno na teoretični in aplikativni del. Namen teoretičnega dela je raziskati in obdelati teoretična spoznanja o procesni organiziranosti, prenovi poslovnih procesov, modeliranju poslovnih procesov ter prenovi in informatizaciji poslovanja, ki so pomembna za izpolnjevanje kupčevih zahtev. Ugotovitve teoretičnega dela smo uporabili v aplikativnem delu raziskave, kjer je opisan potek prenove in informatizacije ključnih procesov v podjetju SVEA, d. d. Pri izvajanju aktivnosti smo uporabili projektni pristop, ki je primeren za prenovo poslovnih procesov. Za celovit opis stanja »kot je« in »kot bo« smo uporabili orodje Aris in metodologijo, ki jo orodje podpira. Prenovljene procese smo podprli z novimi grafičnimi programi za načrtovanje kuhinjskega pohištva in jih povezali z na novo razvitim integriranim informacijskim sistemom MIT − Variantno. Izkoristili smo tudi prednosti internetnih tehnologij, ki omogočajo povezovanje poslovnih partnerjev z informacijskim sistemom podjetja. Na osnovi študija teorije in prakse na področju prenove poslovnih procesov smo s poudarkom na uvajanju integriranih informacijskih sistemov v podjetja oblikovali splošni referenčni model procesa variantnega naročanja in ga potrdili v praksi. Referenčni model lahko uporabimo v poslovnih sistemih, za katere je značilna proizvodna strategija tipa izdelava in dobava po naročilu ter so prodajni procesi povezani z uporabo grafičnih programov za načrtovanje in prodajo izdelkov. Pomembna ugotovitev je, da prenova poslovnih procesov prispeva k učinkovitosti delovanja procesov v podjetju, na celotno uspešnost poslovanja pa vplivajo še dodatni zunanji dejavniki, na katere s prenovo procesov ne moremo vplivati. At the present time the companies is undergoing rapid and unpredictable changes in the business environment, requiring them to adapt effectively to the wishes and needs of our customers. To ensure efficient operations they have to continually improve business processes and support them with the most modern integrated information systems. Operational efficiency is a necessary, but not sufficient condition for the success of the business. Refurbished and in practice tested model variant order process, which links the processes of obtaining a contract to supply and installation of the goods to the final customer is presented in Master's thesis. Master's thesis was divided into theoretical and applied work. The purpose of the theoretical work is to investigate and process the theoretical knowledge about the process of organization, business process reengineering, business process modeling and renovation and computerization of operations that are important to meet the customer's requirements. The findings of theoretical works have been used in the applied part of the research, which describes the course of the revision and key processes in the company SVEA, d. d. In implementing the activities we used the project approach, which is suitable for business process reengineering. For a complete description of the situation "As is" and "To-be" the tool Aris and methodology that tool supported has been used. Renewed processes are supported with new graphics software for the design of kitchen furniture and associate them with the newly developed integrated information system MIT Variant. We also take advantage of the benefits of internet technologies that allow the integration of business partners with the company's information system. Based on the study of theory and practice in the area of business processes with a focus on the introduction of integrated information systems in business, we have created a general reference process model of variant order and confirmed it in practice. Reference model can be used in business systems, which are characterized by the production strategy type production and supply of custom and sales processes are associated with the use of graphics programs to design and sell products. An important finding is, that business process reengineering contributes to the efficient operation of processes in the company the entire performance is affected by additional external factors over which the renewal process cannot be influenced.
Databáze: OpenAIRE