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Tema diplomske naloge je dvogovor oz. dialog kot osnovni vzorec sporočanja in najpogostejša oblika v vsakdanjem sporazumevanju. Opredeljena so teoretična vprašanja o sporazumevanju, natančneje o najpogostejši in najbolj vsakdanji obliki sporazumevanja, dvogovoru. Navedene so lastnosti dialoga, formalne prvine dialoga in monologa ter dialoške besedilne prvine. Dvogovor je opredeljen glede na vsebino in okoliščine ter prostorsko razsežnost v besedilu. Poleg so navedeni primeri iz knjižnih in časopisnih virov, spletnih strani ali vsakdanjih pogovorov. The topic of this thesis is dialogue as the basic pattern of conveying messages and the most commonly used form in everyday communication. Theoretical questions on communication, more precisely questions regarding the most frequently used and the most common form of communication, the dialogue are defined. The characteristics of dialogue, the formal dialogue and monologue elements as well as dialogue wording elements are given. Dialogue is defined by content and circumstances as well as spatial dimension in the text itself. There are examples of book and newspaper sources, web pages or everyday communication given along with it. |