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V diplomski nalogi raziskujemo delo policistov na področju preiskovanja prometnih nesreč in izrednih dogodkov v predorih. Skozi analizo podatkov o prometni obremenitvi cest in povečanja prometa ter izvirajočih nevarnosti je prikazana usposobljenost in opremljenost preiskovalcev in reševalcev prometnih nesreč. Z metodo komparacije (primerjave) smo ugotovili, da se število prometnih nesreč in izrednih dogodkov v predorih konstantno zmanjšuje kljub povečevanju prometne obremenitve. Na podlagi analize praktičnega primera smo ugotovili, da policisti niso imeli na razpolago ustrezne opreme, ki je predpisana za delo ob prometni nesreči oziroma izrednega dogodka v predoru. Predstavili smo ukrepe in rešitve za blažitev nastalih posledic – prometnih zastojev, ki bi jih preiskovalci lahko uporabili pri svojem delu. Predstavili smo posebnosti področja preiskovanja prometnih nesreč v predorih z vidika policijskega dela. Pričakujemo, da bo z raziskovanjem usposobljenosti in opremljenosti policistov za reševanje prometnih nesreč in izrednih dogodkov v predoru prišlo do izboljšave na področju opremljenosti policistov, ki se srečujejo s tovrstnimi prometnimi nesrečami in izrednimi dogodki. Pričakujemo, da bo prišlo do izboljšav na področju izobraževanja policistov za večjo varnost pri delu. Pričakujemo, da bodo preiskovalci uporabili predstavljene ukrepe in rešitve za blažitev nastalih posledic – prometnih zastojev z namenom skrajšanja čakalnih dob. In the thesis we give a valuable insight into the police investigation work in the field of traffic accidents and exceptional events that take place in tunnels. With the help of the data analysis, related to the strain on the city's bulging traffic, to an increase in traffic congestion and at the same time to all the problems resulting from the latter, the ability and the level of adequate equipment of all the ones who investigate the scene of an accident, in this case the investigators and the paramedics, are herewith shown. Moreover, with the help of the method of comparison we have come to conclude that the number of car accidents and exceptional events, taking place in the tunnels, has been slowly decreasing even though there has been increased strain on road-traffic, recently recorded. Furthermore, based on the study, analysed on an actual police case, we found out that the police officers did not have at their disposal adequate equipment that is determined by the law in case a police officer is to carry out duties at the scene of a car accident or in a case of an exceptional event that takes place in a tunnel. As a result, we have come to introduce measures and solutions that could reduce the impact of the consequences arisen from the latter, such as traffic congestion, that could be adopted by the police officers while carrying out their tasks. In addition, special features involving the field of car accident investigation inside the tunnels as far as police work is concerned is herewith also presented. Finally, we expect that due to a further insight into the police officer qualifications and the police equipment adequacy needed when investigating different aspects of a car accident or exceptional events that take place in tunnels will definitely improve, at least as far as the police equipment is concerned. It should be considered a top priority, especially for all the police officers that have to deal with crash scene investigations and other exceptional events that take place inside the tunnels. Last but not least, we also expect that there will be some improvement in the field of police training as well in order to offer a higher security level at work. We also eagerly await that in the near future the investigators will start using the above mentioned measures and possible solutions so that they would be able to alleviate the consequences arisen from the car accidents and exceptional events – the traffic jams - in order to shorten the time spent while being caught up in a traffic jam. |