Autor: Drinić, Snježana
Přispěvatelé: Kovač, Jurij
Jazyk: slovinština
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Kranj
Popis: Definicija timskega dela je, da gre za sodelovanje posameznikov pri določeni skupni nalogi, dobro timsko delo pa omogoča boljši uspeh. Vsak član v timu ima svojo vlogo, zato je pomembna komunikacija in dobri medsebojni odnosi, če tega ni, pride do konfliktov ter nesoglasij. V prvem delu bomo predstavili, kaj je timsko delo, razliko med timom in skupino, prednosti in slabosti timskega dela, kakšna je komunikacija in zakaj pride do zapletov oziroma do konflikta znotraj tima. V drugem, raziskovalnem delu bomo opravili raziskavo o timskem delu na fakulteti X. S pomočjo raziskovalne ankete bomo pridobili podatke o timskem delu med študenti na fakulteti X. Poudarek v anketi bo na učinkovitosti in produktivnosti timskega dela ter na vprašanju, ali so študentje za delo v timu ali za individualno delo. Na koncu bodo postavljene tri hipoteze, ki jih bomo testirali s pomočjo dobljenih odgovorov. The definition of teamwork is that it is a collaboration of individuals with certain common task. With good teamwork is better success. Each team member has a role to play. Therefore it is important in team communication and interpersonal relations, if it is not in the team, comes to conflicts and disagreements. In the first part we will present what is teamwork, the difference between a team and a group, the advantages and disadvantages of teamwork, what communication is and why comes to complications or a conflict within the team. In the second part of the research we will be highlighted in a study on teamwork to the college X. With the help of the survey, we will obtain detailed information about the teamwork between the students on the college X. In a research survey will be focus on the efficiency and productivity of teamwork and whether they are students for work in a team or for individual work. At the end of the set of three hypotheses, which will be tested by using the resulting responses.
Databáze: OpenAIRE